

  • Google's 'About me' is your all-inclusive profile for the company's apps

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    In its on-going quest to strip Google+ down to its frame, Mountain View has spun yet another feature from the sputtering social network as a standalone item. A new "About me" page is Google's one-stop shop for updating your profile details across the company's arsenal of apps. Changes made here will update how your personal information is display in the likes of Google+, Photos, Drive and more. In terms of what's included, About me displays all of your contact info, education, work history, places, gender, birthday and more. If your Google+ profile is listed as public, the information here, and across Google's apps, will be as well. Not to worry, you can lock down individual cards as private should you choose to do so. The company says it's also working on a way for users to see what their profile will look like to those ogling it. If you're unsure about your security settings across Photos, YouTube and other apps, there's a handy link to Google's Privacy Checkup tool at the bottom of the page. Ready to check it out? You can do just that via the source link below.

  • iOS 7 app update roundup: it's a flat, flat, flat world

    Nicole Lee
    Nicole Lee

    Even if you don't feel like coughing up the cash for either the iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s, those eligible for an update (that's if you own an iPhone 4 or up, or an iPad 2 onward) can at least console themselves with iOS 7, which debuts today. Gone is the skeuomorphic design of the Forstall era, and in its place is a flatter interface that promises an entirely new experience for iOS devotees. As such, developers everywhere have been scrambling to get their apps redesigned to match the new mobile OS out of Cupertino. While we can't possibly cover every update, we've compiled a quick list after the break of the more substantial app revamps that have come our way.