Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences


  • Joystiq interviews Joseph Olin, president of the AIAS

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    When he isn't busy plotting the demise of numerous rival and lesser-known academies (like the Academy of Interactive Baguettes and Pumpernickels, of which BioWare is a member), the well-spoken Joseph Olin is orchestrating the annual Interactive Achievement awards. Each year, the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences turns to its member panel of game developers and highlights what it believes to be the best games of the year. With the AIAS awards show taking place on 8 February at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, we decided it was about time to quiz Mr. Olin about all things award-winning. In the second part of the post, you'll find a lengthy interview touching on the recently announced award nominees, the selection process, non-human academy members, Capcom's objections and of course, the act of mowing Joseph Olin down with a machine gun.