

  • This Miles Edgeworth art has ruined us

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Our puritanical grandmother always tried to convince us that art is evil, but we never believed her until this morning. Though we fell asleep in a world where we loved every square pixel of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, we awake to this gorgeous fan art from DeviantArt user brilcrist and now all we can think of is how much we wish the game looked exactly like that. So, Capcom, what would you say to a big-budget, meticulously detailed game centered on Miles Edgeworth costing millions of dollars and countless man hours to produce? ... Hey, where are you going?

  • TGS 2009: Hands-on: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Though it's been available in Japan since late May, Capcom's Phoenix Wright spin-off, Gyakuten Kenji, was playable in English form at the publisher's Tokyo Game Show hotel suite. Inefficiently dubbed Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, the game sees you ditching the spiky-haired idealist and donning a delightful cravat in service of the prosecution. In what could have been just another Phoenix Wright game, but presented from an opposing perspective, Ace Attorney Investigations diverges from tradition more than any other title in the series -- which is to say that it actually diverges from tradition just a bit. The focus is still heavily on plot, characters and clever yappin', but the sterile, first-person point-and-click investigation process has now been replaced with a third-person view. The control system is functional, but quite unnatural in one respect. You can maneuver Edgeworth through the 2D environments, displayed on the DS' top screen, by either dragging the stylus across the touch screen or simply using the d-pad (thanks for the option, Edgey!). When you've gotten him close enough to an item of interest, you tap a context-specific icon on the bottom screen to interact with it. So, it's less point-and-click and more walk-over-there-and-tap-the-button. %Gallery-74040%

  • Ace Attorney series will continue to testify on DS

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth producer Motohide Eshiro told us that there were no plans for the Ace Attorney series to migrate to other consoles. In an interview with Siliconera, he offered more reasoning for the DS loyalty. "It's not that we don't like other hardware and that we don't want to do it," Eshiro said. "It's just it was original made for handhelds, it was made to be played on the go, and also the interface we created the game, especially for Ace Attorney Investigations, uses the touch screen and we want people to interact with that. You can't replicate that on Xbox Live. For us, the DS seems like the most natural fit." What has changed was the original plan for Investigations' protagonist. Eshiro revealed that "scientific investigator" and Apollo Justice detective Ema Skye was intended for the role. "The director originally proposed to use Ema as the main character," he said, "but according to the feedback we got from our fans it seems Edgeworth was the more popular character." And thus we have a game with a "Logic System" instead of a "Snackoo-Eating System." %Gallery-68609%

  • Ace Attorney Investigation: Miles Edgeworth coming stateside February 16

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Capcom's in a fairly generous mood this morning! Its spirits are seemingly bolstered by the opening of the San Diego Comic-Con -- in tandem with the convention's kickoff, they sent a press release full of announcements. The most exciting of which is, of course, the revelation of the February 16 release date for Ace Attorney Investigation: Miles Edgeworth. You may object to the amount of time now standing between you and the highly animated Law & Order sim -- but if you happen to be attending the Con this year, you can get an early look at the game at Capcom's booth, you lucky, lucky so-and-so. %Gallery-68609%

  • Capcom points Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth our way this winter

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We all knew this was coming thanks to a trademark, but that doesn't make the official announcement any less exciting: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is "making its way to the west this winter!" Investigate the first English screens for yourself at Capcom Unity. Ace Attorney Investigations is a spin-off of the Phoenix Wright courtroom adventure series, starring Wright's cravatted rival, prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. In this point-and-click adventure, Edgeworth investigates crime scenes in order to find the truth, presenting contradictions to material witnesses as they occur. Edgeworth can use a "logic" mode to determine connections between two pieces of evidence. When sufficient evidence has been gathered, Edgeworth faces down the suspect! %Gallery-20451%

  • Gyakuten Kenji teacup: HOLD IT! with your pinky extended

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Miles Edgeworth is a unique character. The Ace Attorney prosecutor is confident and strong, but distinctly dainty at the same time. He casts an imposing figure in the courtroom, even in a magenta suit and a frilly cravat. The latest unattainable Japanese promo item for Gyakuten Kenji, this delicate teacup with Edgeworth's face stamped in his trademark color, is perfect for Edgeworth. In most people's hands, it would be, at best, adorable, but Edgeworth is so raw that he could make Phoenix Wright tremble in terror with the simple intonation of "Wright." between sips. The teacup is available for preorder from e-Capcom for 1890 yen ($19). Unfortunately, e-Capcom doesn't ship outside of Japan. %Gallery-20451% [Via Inside-Games]

  • Gyakuten Kenji makes a date for court

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Ace Attorney spin-off Gyakuten Kenji has been dated for Japan. To add onto the spring release window we've heard already, we now have an actual date: May 28th. Just another reason to be jealous of Japan, we suppose. We don't have to tell you how much we love the Ace Attorney games, so we're incredibly excited for this game. What about you all? Had enough of these games or are you as big a fan as we are? %Gallery-20451%

  • Ace Attorney orchestra awesomeness meets Gyakuten Kenji trailer

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    The Ace Attorney series is dear to our hearts, so when any information crosses the intertubes regarding Capcom's lawyering games, we foam at the mouth like rabid raccoons. Today's tidings regard both the Gyakuten Meets Orchestra concert, which took place in Tokyo, and the upcoming spin-off title starring Miles Edgeworth. As much as we love Gyakuten Saiban and its music, we obviously weren't able to able to drag ourselves to Japan for what we're sure was an awesome concert. From what we understand, though, the CDs that you see so deliciously stacked in the video above will be made available for purchase on July 16th. Do want. Also in the video (around the 4:00 minute mark) is a trailer for Edgeworth's game, called Gyakuten Kenji in case you haven't been keeping up (for shame!). The trailer is mostly just moving versions of screens we've already seen, but it also features a new character that will be showing up Check after the break to see some promotional photos for Gyakuten Kenji, some artwork from the event (want!), and some Gyakuten Saiban swag, including an orchestra-themed tumbler (want want!) and even Snackoos (want want want!). %Gallery-20451%

  • DS Daily: Video game crushes

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Warning: This video contains spoilers While playing Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, we came across this hilarious scene in which the game pokes fun at the "frothing female masses" devoted to Miles Edgeworth (which, sadly, includes this blogger). We know that they're embarrassing to admit to, since -- as you well know -- video game characters aren't real people. Yet, many of us must concede to having a video game crush at some point in our lives, and it's time to 'fess up and come clean. So, what video game characters have you had (or do you have) a crush on?