

  • Points>Life: Recap Edition

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Each week, X3F tips gamers to the tricks of the trade of Achievement hoarding in Points>Life. Every week a new achievement is unlocked to help you continue your unhealthy obsession with the Xbox 360 meta-game. This week on Points>Life we're giving you nothing! Well, actually what we're doing is going back and recapping the tips we've given you and added a little postmortem comment. After releasing each feature the X3F Army shared best practices on other methods to obtain similar achievements. This week we go back to the last eight weeks of tips and tricks, so if you're new to Points>Life ... today is your day!

  • Aquazone publisher fishing for MS Points, 5000 MS Points!

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    EA could learn a thing or two from Frontier Works. The publisher of Aquazone released its Japanese aquarium sim with only 480 unlockable Achievement Points. To get the rest, players need to hit Xbox Live Marketplace and start paying.Recently, an additional 400 points were made available through the purchase of 18 new fish. Anyone willing to take the bait would end up forking over an alleged 5,000 Microsoft Points ($62.50).Suspiciously, each fish weighs a mere 108KB, suggesting that purchasers aren't actually downloading new content, but simply buying code that unlocks the relevant data on the game disc. This would explain how Frontier dodged Microsoft's requirement, which demands that all Xbox 360 titles include 1,000 Achievement Points (Xbox Live Arcade games must contain 200 points). Aquazone does offer 1,000 points to add to your Gamerscore; but it costs more than your playing time to unlock them. Scandalous.[Via GameLife]