

  • The Nexus Telegraph: It's all right if people don't like WildStar

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    I like WildStar a lot. You knew from an early time that I liked the game's aesthetic and sense of humor, and as time went on it became clear that I also liked the mechanics and the approaches it has toward an endgame. When I finally got my first hands-on playtime with the game, I liked that, too. What I'm getting at here is that WildStar is currently fighting with Final Fantasy XIV for the title of my absolute favorite MMO, and they both coexist in a space of I want to play you both all the time. But some people aren't in that boat. Some people aren't that wild about the game, even some people whom I work alongside. And that is totally fine. Last week's events made me decide to do one of my periodic column-topic-switches to discuss the fact that there is going to be bad press about WildStar out there, sometimes even bad press that complains about things that you don't think are relevant. And the best thing you can do is be cool.

  • The Soapbox: Tunnel vision

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column. As everyone knows, social gaming is doomed to failure. Mindless, repetitive drivel like FarmVille is just an enormous waste of time and clicking with no actual gameplay aspects involved, and there's no real depth to keep someone hooked. It's not even remotely close to an MMO, and obviously pretty much everyone will get bored with it and stop giving Zynga money in a couple of months. The only thing that stands in the way of that clearly correct opinion is the piles of money it continues to make. Of course, the above is what several gamers have been stating ever since the first seemingly innocent Facebook game came around. I'm restating it here not because I'm talking about social games but because it's a symptom of a larger problem. As gamers, we love to predict which MMOs will work and which ones won't, but we're also suffering from a terrible sense of tunnel vision that makes us really awful at that.

  • Tactile kiss transmission device finally makes it okay to smooch your computer (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    They say the vast majority of communication is done physically rather than verbally, but in the realm of technological advances we seem to have rather neglected the transmission of physical contact. Thankfully, there's always Japan to provide us with off-the-wall innovations, this latest one being a kiss transmission device that will record, relay, and -- if you wish it -- replay your finest tongue gymnastics. It's the height of simplicity at the moment, with a plastic implement taking input from one person's mouth and conveying it to a second box, intended to be gobbled up by the recipient of this techno-affection, who may respond in kind or just sit back and enjoy the thrill of it. The researchers sagely point out that there's more to be done, as the sense of taste, manner of breathing, and moistness of the tongue are all important aspects of a kiss that have yet to be recreated. Once they do get their kiss transmitter to v2.0, however, they envision a pretty neat market for it in reselling kiss replays performed by celebrities. For now, you can see a celeb-free video demo after the break.

  • Storyboard: I only have eyes for you

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Welcome back to another edition of Storyboard, wherein I'm going to tackle an issue that is very near and dear to my heart. Matter of fact, it's near and dear to almost everyone's heart, and it's a topic that I'm sure I'm either going to revisit or avoid wholeheartedly in the future, because we're stepping into an emotional minefield. Today, we're going to be talking about romantic relationships in roleplaying. Okay, now that some of the readers have run screaming from the room (which was kind of unnecessary, they could have just closed the browser), let's clarify that we are talking about romantic relationships, not anything else that could fall under the header of romance. That magical night you shared with a Mithra in Bastok Markets is an entirely different topic that I have no real interest in covering here. So we're at least into the realm of just plain emotional awkwardness, and that's for the best, as there's more than enough material there to cover for years.