

  • WoW Moviewatch: Rocket Boots, part 2

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    This movie is the sequel to Rocket Boots, with improved stunts and multiple songs (including a Bill Cosby-esque Pokemon gag I always love)! It's kind of funny to watch the orc jump off of various ledges with his rocket boots and wonder where exactly he'll land -- as well as if he'll live through the landing. When it's my own character, I find falling to be very suspenseful. Whenever I accidentally leap off Aldor spire, for example, my heart skips a beat and I hold my breath. I straighten up in my chair and and instinctively look for a parachute cloak or something something I can use to prevent my death, even though I know in my head that this character doesn't have any slow-fall items or spells. There have been times when, on an engineer alt, I was similarly tempted to jump off huge ledges just to see where I would end up; at the time I told myself that the prospect of having to retrieve my body from who-knows-where was just too painful -- but now I wonder if I just find falling a bit too scary, like one of those dreams where you fall and fall, sure that you're going to die, only to wake up just before you hit the ground.