

  • Albion's alpha trailer highlights a whole bunch of new stuff

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Albion Online's upcoming alpha event begins on January 26th, and in case you're not already excited, Sandbox Interactive has released a new trailer that may put you in the mood. The clip runs just over a minute in length, which is more than enough time to tease updated environments and textures, the new farming system, new visual effects, and large-scale PvP. Click past the cut to have a look!

  • Albion Online's alpha begins today, updates highlighted in video

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Are you interested in diving into Albion Online's closed alpha that launched today? If so, zip on over to the official site; the cross-platform sandbox offered a limited number of keys for this test run, and you can still sign up for a chance at a testing spot even if you missed out on the giveaway. Testers will see new updates that include customizable player housing which can affect player stats, new guild functionality including customizable coats of arms and searching for guild tools, a local marketplace for trade, and an in-game mail system. Players can also choose from more male avatars as well as the new female avatars. Get a glimpse of house building as well as the other updates in the video below. [Source: Sandbox Interactive press release]

  • Albion Online trailer shows the dire consequences of wardrobe selection

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "Heroes aren't born, they're made," the new Albion Online trailer states. "You are what you wear." Sandbox Interactive's latest alpha trailer delivers a humorous illustration of how the gameplay can abruptly change with a simple costume switch. Players have different abilities, including gathering and fighting, depending on their outfits. The trailer's point is that it's important to identify what a player is wearing for his or her capabilities, but also that it's vital not to assume that's the only outfit they own. You can check out the short trailer and the full press release after the jump! [Source: Sandbox Interactive press release]

  • Albion's next alpha test starts March 24

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Sandbox Interactive wants you to know about its upcoming Albion Online alpha test. It starts on March 24th, and it will be "the biggest we've ever run," according to SI community manager Yasmin Babb. You can sign up for a key on the official Albion website, but be aware that there's a long waiting list. Albion's alpha FAQ states that keys are normally distributed between six and 10 days prior to the next testing phase. Albion bills itself as the world's first true cross-platform sandbox MMORPG. Click past the cut for the full press release. [Source: Sandbox Interactive press release]