

  • EVE Evolved: The faction warfare mission debacle, page 2

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    The save came in the form of the previously mentioned unique items limited to the faction warfare loyalty point store. LP was given out for kills against the enemy militia and completion of missions. The hope was to get more people back into the war and give them some incentive to do faction missions that put pilots at risk of PvP.

  • EVE Evolved: The faction warfare mission debacle, page 3

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    Certain missions that required the collection of an item from a wreck or killing a lot of ships were eliminated as they would take extra time or pose extra risk. With intense practice, missions ended up taking as little as 30 seconds each and at most a few minutes. By using a strong PvP presence to lock down the systems in which they took missions by force they were able to keep their mission-runners safe and run 45 missions in an average of one and a half hours.

  • CCP Games drops more details on EVE's new mission arcs for pirate factions

    James Egan
    James Egan

    We recently wrote a bit about the new PvE content coming to EVE Online in the Dominion expansion -- Epic Mission Arcs for the Angel Cartel and Guristas pirate factions where your speed will help you survive. Now CCP Games has dropped more info on these branching pirate missions; the Guristas arc is called "Smash and Grab" while the Angel Cartel arc is "Angel Sound". A dev blog written by CCP Jasonitas walks readers through the standings requirements -- if your Angel Cartel standings are horrible but you have decent standings with either the Minmatar or Amarr, you can still run the Angel arc. Likewise with the Guristas, your Caldari or Gallente faction standings will let you embark on the Guristas pirate arc. In some respects, these arcs will open up pirate faction mission running for many players, given that completion of an arc will impart a 30% standings gain towards that faction. Players have long wanted a way to repair their negative standings towards New Eden's pirate factions and this seems to be the first step towards that. Still, that standings gain won't benefit players who are particularly loathed by a given pirate faction unless the arcs can be repeated some months down the line as with standard Epic Mission Arcs.

  • Major EVE Online alliance CVA disbanded: espionage or hack?

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Major EVE Online roleplaying alliance Curatores Veritatis Alliance (CVA) disbanded today, possibly the result of a traitor within their ranks, leaving a power vacuum in the Providence region they once held. It's possible for high-level directors of an alliance to disband the organization, and this is exactly what happened today to Curatores Veritatis Alliance. CVA was an alliance loyal to the game's NPC faction the Amarr Empire and had a long history of enforcing rule in lawless space and resisting rival player organizations of Minmatar freedom fighters -- notably Ushra'Khan -- who they branded as terrorists. In short, CVA has played a significant role in the player-driven setting of EVE Online. At this point, speculation as to how CVA was disbanded is rampant. The concept of a mole using high-level access to destroy an alliance from within is not unprecedented in the game, although some players are asserting an account hack took place. EVE pilot "BULLETPROOF 50CENT" of the corporation Traceless Representatives of Anonymous Players (TRAP) has claimed credit for the disintegration of CVA. He stated: "I am known as bullet, just a small, relatively unknown member of a covert organization, created by and dedicated to the taking down of what we saw as the single largest evil in EVE -- CVA."

  • EVE Evolved: Mission-running ship design

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    In last week's first instalment of this guide, I explained the basics of mission-running in EVE Online and how to find your best agent. In this second part of the guide, I get into the nitty gritty details of essential ship designs for mission-runners. Choosing an appropriate ship and fitting it adequately are arguably the two most important factors in mission-running. While having a weak mission strategy and poor support skills can cause a lot of bother, a poorly designed ship is almost guaranteed death on some of the tougher missions. With the advice in this guide, a little research and a good deal of practice, you'll be well on your way to becoming a mission guru. Read after the cut for a race-by-race break-down of EVE's most popular and effective mission-running ships, complete with links to some further reading and popular mission fittings.

  • One Shots: Just passing through

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    On a good day, things are still dangerous on New Eden. You never know what's docked at the next station and if anyone hanging out there there is just waiting to nail you the second you undock. That's the way things are in EVE Online, where the risks - and the rewards - can be wide-reaching and (game) universe changing. Today's One Shots shows off one such place where danger may lurk - or not. Estevan sent in this image of an Amarr station with the following note: It may not be the most original image, but it includes new elements from their recent Apocrypha update with use of shadows, hdr, bloom. We're glad anytime our EVE Online readers check in with their screens!Find something worth sharing on your recent adventures? Just in the mood to show off what you've been doing? All you have to do is email your screenshots to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the game it's from, and a quick note about what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you credit for sending it in!%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Another EVE ship under construction

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    As time draws nearer for the newest EVE Online expansion Apocrypha to be released, players are getting more and more excited about all the great things coming with this new patch. The ability to build cool new ships is just the tip of the iceberg as to what's coming in this ambitious new expansion. Today's One Shots shows off another angle on one of the ship variations we've already seen from Feffrey - a topside image of the Amarr T3 Legion. While it's missing its textures, it does give you an idea of how it will look once this variation is completed.We're hearing a lot from the sci-fi gamers lately, but all screenshots from all genres are welcome! Just email your screenshots to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the game it's from, and a quick note about what we're seeing. We'll post it here and give you the credit for sending it in.%Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Minmatar stargate

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Known as the tribal race in EVE Online, the Minmatar have spent years being ground under the heels of the Amarr empire. According to lore, they have been enslaved by them, and those who have escaped or evaded capture banded together in a tribal affiliation. Their architecture, while just as useful as that of other races, tends to be towards the ragged-looking, angular and sharp side, as if it was put together on the run, or out of found parts. Today's EVE Online One Shots was sent in to us by Sered Woolahra, who captured a shot of this decrepit-looking Minmatar stargate while flying around deadspace in New Eden. Have you found an interesting set of ruins, or near-ruins, in your favorite MMO? If so, we'd love to see them. Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and the game it's from. A description is always welcome, but not required. We'll post them out here and give you the credit for sending the screenshot in.%Gallery-9798%

  • Slave emancipation a major change in EVE Online's lore

    James Egan
    James Egan

    A significant twist in EVE Online's lore was announced on Christmas day: emancipation for much of the subjugated Minmatar race. EVE's far-future galactic setting of New Eden is characterized by struggles between the four (playable) races. Of those races, the dynamic between the theocratic but cruel Amarr and the tribal Minmatar is often one of master and servant. The Amarr enslaved the Minmatar race centuries ago; this is a prevalent aspect of the backstory (lore), the game's missions (quests) and factional warfare, as well as a focal point of the roleplaying that some players opt to engage in. Even some player alliances have taken a stance for or against slavery in the game. (Those who don't play EVE might be surprised to learn that slaves can be bought and sold on the open market as a low-cost commodity. Note, however, that the players themselves cannot be forced into slavery. It's just an aspect of the setting... one which is intended to evoke response from the players.)CCP Games has decided this change in the Amarr-Minmatar dynamic was warranted in terms of New Eden's backstory, with the freed slaves numbering in the hundreds of millions, although the existence of slavery in EVE is still far from being abolished.

  • EVE's Quantum Rise trailer depicts escalating conflict

    James Egan
    James Egan

    With all of the announcements and events that have taken place this week at EVE Fanfest 2008, it's a safe bet that the forthcoming video footage related to the title should be interesting. CCP Games is kicking off the November 11th release of the Quantum Rise expansion with a video, depicting how the game's storyline is moving forward. As they did previously with the Empyrean Age release, rather than simply making a video that shows off a new game mechanic or ship, CCP's Quantum Rise trailer is presented as 'in-world' breaking news footage from "The Scope" -- New Eden's galactic news network.Where the Empyrean Age trailer showed viewers a suicide attack on a peace summit that triggered war between the Caldari and Gallente races, the newest Quantum Rise video depicts an escalation of hostilities in New Eden. The Gallente Federation now finds itself mired in a two-front war, fending off the nationalistic Caldari while having to face the golden Amarr fleets as well, as seen in the footage. The Quantum Rise trailer is just the newest one shown on the CCP Games YouTube page. For those looking for higher res downloads, the Quantum Rise trailer should be up on the official site's video section soon. But for now, you can see video footage from 'The Scope' as the conflict unfolds below the cut.

  • New EVE Online video advances backstory

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Fans of EVE Online's backstory will want to see CCP's latest video tied into the game's lore. The two previous videos CCP Games released were linked to the events that unfolded in The Empyrean Age novel, as broadcast by The Scope news agency: 'Alexander Noir's' suicide attack obliterating hopes for peace between the Gallente and Caldari races, and the unified showing of Minmatar strength that served as a threat to those who would hinder their race's pursuit of freedom. The latest video, from Amarr Certified News, shows the full might of the Amarr Imperial Domain Fleet, with a multitude of Avatar titans and Revelation dreadnaughts arrayed in elaborate formation, heralding the arrival of their newly coronated Empress, Jamyl Sarum. Having successfully navigated her way to the top while usurping her formidable adversaries, Empress Jamyl Sarum's rise to prominence establishes her as, quite possibly, the most powerful individual in New Eden. All of New Eden witnesses her broadcast, and hears her proclaim, "I am the harbinger of hope. I am the sword of the righteous. And to all who hear my words, I say this: What you give to this Empire, I shall give back unto you." While the theocratic Amarr will operate under some new guiding principles through her rule, it's clear that the Reclamation will proceed, and world after world will come under her control as she 'saves all those wayward children, from themselves.' You can view the video footage of Empress Jamyl Sarum's coronation speech after the cut, as she ushers in a new age for the Amarr race, and for New Eden itself.

  • EVE Visual Guide: The Birth of New Eden

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The backstory of EVE Online is one of the game's major strengths. Not all players immerse themselves in the setting, which is a shame as the backstory -- built up over years -- is rich. No epic science fiction tale is without a grand struggle, and the story of EVE is one of the corrupting interplay of high technology and the power it brings, generation upon generation. EVE's backstory is a departure from the established notions of 'good vs. evil'; even its villains can become heroes in the gritty setting of New Eden. As the empires created by EVE's pilots rise and fall with relentless alliance warfare in 0.0 space, as they lend their strength to causes in the factional warfare of the Empyrean Age, they take the concepts established in the backstory and run with them -- in some respects, making the game into what they want it to be. The Birth of New Eden is a visual tour of the backstory of EVE, from humanity's first steps beyond the EVE Gate into the unknown, to the sweeping conflict of The Empyrean Age. Witness the Birth of New Eden >> %Gallery-30763%

  • EVE Community Spotlight: Jade Constantine

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Jade Constantine is a veteran player of EVE Online, long known for having a forceful personality and a flair for writing. As the CEO of Jericho Fraction and the head of The Star Fraction alliance, Jade has become a pioneer in EVE roleplay, upholding ideologies of freedom that run counter to some of the very systems that define the game. Along the way, Jade has made some enemies, but clearly some allies as well, having garnered the most votes in the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) election. As Chairman of the CSM, Jade Constantine is a magnet for controversy, but as an elected delegate, is also in a unique position to deal directly with CCP Games and potentially change EVE. Massively recently spoke with Jade on the state of roleplaying in EVE Online, the challenges that the CSM faces, and what it's like to be under the magnifying glass.

  • CCP Games releases faction overview for EVE Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    For participants in EVE Online's factional warfare in the Empyrean Age expansion, it's common knowledge that there are four races embroiled in conflict. However, CCP Games has decided to add some more variety to the roles that EVE players can assume. To that end, EVE dev Matthew Woodward (aka CCP Greyscale) created a political overview for those who wish to immerse themselves a bit more in the backstory, or for those who wish to assume roles in the factional struggle beyond what is currently known about the key races in EVE's setting of New Eden. The cruel yet devoutly religious Amarr bring worlds and systems under their heel to 'save them from themselves.' They're opposed by the fractious Minmatar, a group of tribes resisting Amarr tyranny -- many of whom are chemically enslaved by a tailored virus and regular fixes of its narcotic treatment, ensuring their continued servitude to the Amarr.

  • Passes on sale for The Party at the Top of the World

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    CCP has finally opened their war declaration on boring game conventions, opening up the sales for the much-anticipated passes to the EVE Online Fan Fest. Also known as "The Party at the Top of the World", this year's Fan Fest looks to be a continuation of the excitement and fun of years past! Events scheduled for this year include all the regular events that EVE Online fans have come to love, such as PvP tournaments, lots of different presentations and panels, the Jita meetup and a silent auction. Additionally, this year players will get a chance to check out a special hands-on demo of the incoming Ambulation technology, which will allow players to finally break free of their pods! (You know, without the use of someone else's weaponry.)Passes are on sale for $75 USD, which nets you a confirmation code to bring to the event for badge pickup. Spouse passes aren't available yet, but will only be available if you've already purchased a regular EVEnt pass. Also, if you need travel and hotel there are still some spots open in Icelandair's group packages, so be sure to book soon before they all run out!

  • Divinity and malevolence personified in latest EVE Chronicle

    James Egan
    James Egan

    CCP Games has been giving us a glimpse into the lives and motivations of the four leaders of the warring races in EVE Online, through a series of weekly Chronicles. Thus far we've seen the weight of years of struggle carried by the Minmatar leader, Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor, and the Gallente President Souro Foiritan forced to make horrific compromises to ensure the future of his people. We've also seen the questionable background of Tibus Heth, the head of the Caldari State. But it seems that CCP saved the best for last: Jamyl Sarum, Empress of the Amarr Empire, is by far the most forceful personality among the four -- a feared and loved ruler of billions. And rightly so, we've witnessed how grandiose her actions tend to be in the Empyrean Age trailer; she commanded the battleship which obliterated a vastly superior Minmatar fleet which included a Ragnarok-class titan. This time, in "All These Wayward Children," it's her words that speak louder than her actions. The viewing platform of an Amarrian starship, bearing the newly-coronated Empress, is the setting for the final of the weekly Chronicles. "All These Wayward Children" shows her extreme beliefs about the divine imperative to conquer other civilizations and how she doesn't simply punish perceived wrongs; she exacts sadistic retribution upon her enemies, political and otherwise... her "Benediction."

  • Lessons learned in Empyrean Age's factional warfare

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Podcasting hero Van Hemlock has been blogging about EVE Online quite a bit of late. His recent post 'The Lessons of War' chronicles his experience of learning the factional warfare rules of engagement in the Empyrean Age expansion. He writes about being a solo pilot for the Minmatar Tribal Liberation Force, when the entire militias of the Amarr and Caldari races have kill rights on him anytime and anywhere. It's even harder to do well when you're running with an alt fresh out of the academy but, win or lose, he seems to be having a good time. Van Hemlock's approach is to spend very little on any individual ship (it's likely to be blown apart anyway) and learn what he can from the experience of trying to survive. As he explains a bit about the mechanics of factional warfare, and its objectives, Van Hemlock imparts three key bits of wisdom in "The Lessons of War...": there are ways of preventing a (single) rival from engaging you, flying fast and nimble can trump much greater firepower, and as fast as you may be -- there can always be someone faster who will try and take you out. Although he openly states that he doesn't know a great deal about PvP in EVE yet, it's clear that he's learning very quickly from his mistakes, and doing so with minimal emo rage. See Van Hemlock's "The Lessons of War" to learn a few things from his successes and failures in EVE Online, it's certainly a good read.

  • EVE Chronicle puts players at the center of factional warfare

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The latest EVE Chronicle is called "The Dark End of Space." This installment connects the events seen in the full Empyrean Age trailer (namely, Jamyl Sarum's utter obliteration of a greater Minmatar fleet) with the lowsec militia conflicts and missions that have embroiled EVE Online's players in factional warfare. Indeed, "The Dark End of Space" focuses on how each of the four races -- despite having conflicting goals and ideologies -- view the capsuleers... the actual players in EVE Online: "A group of people so powerful they're practically a faction unto themselves. Immortal, fearless and wealthy beyond imagining. Born of all four empires but beholden, in truth, to no one but themselves. And utterly untapped, in this little skirmish of ours.""The Dark End of Space" shows how each of the races face similar difficulties, and how the players of EVE are thought by each faction to be the solution to their problems. EVE dev CCP Abraxas says of the newest Chronicle: "... this one breaks rank and instead focuses on the capsuleers. It explains how we went from the end of the novel to the onset of factional warfare, and how you guys got pulled into it." This could get very interesting if factional propaganda enters into the game, with each race's militia trying to further sway the capsuleers to their cause and tip the balance of power in the Empyrean Age. But for the time being, the Empyrean Age novel, the trailer, and the Chronicles are intertwined, and it seems that EVE's players are firmly at the center of what is to come.

  • BattleClinic's exclusive Factional Warfare guide by CCP Games

    James Egan
    James Egan

    BattleClinic, a popular EVE Online web resource run by players, now has another thing going in its favor. Matthew Woodward, a Game Designer from CCP Games, has put together an in-character factional warfare guide, which is exclusive to the site. Woodward writes under the guise of one 'Sergeant-Major Illivia', and tries to whip the reader into shape as if they were a new recruit in Boot Camp. Sergeant-Major Illivia's ranting introduction to factional warfare in the Empyrean Age walks you through militia enlistment, battlefield intelligence, your objectives in the war, and most importantly -- how to stay alive in EVE. It's a clever way of conveying what's involved in factional conflict to a prospective recruit, although Woodward/Illivia does make you feel like a whelp at times. Check out the "Faction Warfare Enlistment Debrief" at BattleClinic for fiction with practical applications.

  • Van Hemlock: The distrust of recruits and the path of acceptance

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Podcaster and PlanetSide-fragger extraordinaire Van Hemlock recently had a look at EVE Online's Empyrean Age expansion, and gave his take on what's needed to get the most from factional warfare. He tackled The Empyrean Age in two parts: The Distrust of Recruits... and The Path of Acceptance. In The Distrust of Recruits, Van Hemlock was surprised that factional warfare isn't quite as accessible as he envisioned. He wasn't daunted though, and prepared to move his main character into the battlefield. Except, there were one or two issues. Perhaps the main one, which is a core mantra in EVE, is that you "don't fly what you can't afford to lose." By joining up with any of the militia, you become a war target for two other factions, who will attempt to kill you on sight -- no matter where they see you. No matter what you've done. That's the price you pay for access to this level of PvP, a first in the game, but for some that price tag is too steep.