

  • The cynic's guide to World of Warcraft

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    We tend to be very careful while composing articles here at WoW Insider. We're always mindful that not everyone plays the game in the same way, or has the same experience on different servers or factions, but every so often a certain madness seizes us and we feel the urge to ... tell the truth. In that vein, I am pleased (sort of) to present The Cynic's Guide to World of Warcraft. This article owes a heavy debt to Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary. If you want to see a real master at work, read that.

  • WoW Moviewatch: Animal I have become

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    In our daily quest for acceptable machinima to feature on WoW Moviewatch, it's very rare that we ever come across someone that we feel could end up as epic as Baron Soosdon, otherwise known as Rick Astley, Jr. Apein managed to start his path to greatness from his very first (and only!) video, Animal I Have Become. We haven't been this impressed with an up-and-comer since Lagspikefilm and Gnomechewer!Apein has some big shoes to fill, but he already has a blog, where he posts teaser shots of his work in progress, and knows to upload to Vimeo. We were also impressed that he was able to keep the aspect ratio intact throughout, not get excessive with Model Viewer, blend platforms, and not go super crazy with the effects. However, we do object to the heavy blurring and the random zooms in and out. That wasn't enough to distract us from the beauty of this music video, though.[Via]If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.Previously on Moviewatch ...