

  • Are AoE heals too effective?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    There's been quite some discussion of late around healing circles, with Game Director Tom Chilton commenting on how there had been too much of a move towards smart heals, and away from intelligent selection, as well as asserting that part of slimming down the button bloat could well be to remove the basic spammable low-cost heal from a healer's arsenal. And now, Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street is joining the fray, with the tweet below about AoE heals. @1990249 @NizHao As a general statement, we believe we made AE heals (for all healers) too important / effective once again. - Greg Street (@Ghostcrawler) August 29, 2013 There is definitely some truth in this, firstly for "set and forget" AoE heals such as Lightspring or Healing Stream Totem, which aren't necessarily standard floor-based or spammable AoE heals, but still heal smartly in the general area as opposed to requiring the player to pick a specific target. Secondly, when "spam X when nothing else is going on" is the best strategy, healing quickly becomes boring.