

  • BlizzCon 2009: interviews Christie Golden

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    During Day One of BlizzCon this past weekend, I was given the opportunity to sit down and talk with author/novelist Christie Golden, the woman behind the best selling Warcraft novel Arthas and the upcoming Cataclysm novel(s) which we learned about in this very interview. I asked her questions about her personal background in Warcraft, her writing process, and what it's like to work with Blizzard's worlds. If you don't mind, we'll kick things off with a question I pretty much ask everyone... Horde or Alliance? Christie Golden: Yes. Good answer! Golden: Seriously, I play both, and I love them both. I have characters on both sides, I don't prefer one over the other. That definitely comes through in what you've written in the universe, starting with Horde material and then moving onto Arthas. When you say you've played both, how far? Are any of them level 80? Golden: I've been so busy with all of the writing I've been doing lately that I haven't been able to hit 80, I haven't seen as much of Northrend as I've wanted to. Around 70 is where I'm stuck for now.

  • Exclusive: Christie Golden writing the Cataclysm novel

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    The NDA on this was just dropped on this info, and we wanted to get it out to you ASAP. Christie Golden, author of the hit novel Arthas, will be writing the Cataclysm novel. There is no additional information on this, other that its existance. One thing can be sure about though, it will no doubt contain a ton of great lore and be very well written.We'll have our interview with Christie up for you later this evening or early tomorrow.

  • Blizzard's Arthas: Rise of the Lich King quiz contest

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Blizzard announced a brand new contest yesterday, and it's quite possibly their most simple contest yet. Read an excerpt from Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, answer three questions about what you read to enter the contest, and then you're given a chance to win a collector's edition of the Arthas novel. Pretty sweet and, as I said, really easy to enter.Blizzard's official contest isn't the only one running, either. Fan sites around the blogosphere (good gosh I hate that term) are giving them away like crazy, and we even have a nice stack of our own that we'll be giving away soon. Keep an eye out, and seriously- enter these contests, whether it's ours or Blizzard's or someone else's contest. This book is worth the effort, and the collector's edition is pretty classy. Remember, this is coming from someone who thinks many of the Warcraft novels are pretty terrible.