

  • Two Bosses Enter: Ozruk and Asaad kick off Cataclysm season one

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. No, ladies and gentlemen, you are not hallucinating. Due to popular demand Two Bosses Enter is making its comeback today, pitting boss against boss to separate the best from the rest. Every Monday we list the rules and abilities, then you vote for the winner. As each winning boss moves on, we create the new match up and the battle continues until only one boss is left standing. In this first season of the Cataclysm world tour, there are a few details of the format you should know about. Not every boss is included in this season of Two Bosses Enter. We've chosen 16 participants. If your favorites are missing from the roster, let us know in the comments and we'll try to include them next season. Of those 16 participants, you only know 12 of them. There are four wild cards in the roster, and you won't know who they are until the week they enter the ring for the first time. We've returned to a purely poll-based system of determining winners. However, particularly creative comments about the encounter will be highlighted when the winner is announced the following week. You can see this season's tournament ladder right here. %Gallery-119335% Now, on to the matchup: Ozruk versus Asaad! Ready? Fight! %Poll-61887%

  • Cataclysm Dungeon Guide: Vortex Pinnacle

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Ahh, the Vortex Pinnacle, for whenever I want to go hit up an instance that involves jumping in cyclones (or tornadoes) that toss you from platform to platform. This 5-man instance is the ... pinnacle of the Skywall complex in the Uldum zone. You can find it just southeast of the shores. Make sure you go the right direction or else you might end up in the Throne of the Four Winds raid instance. Oh, and you're going to need a flying mount. The forces of Al'Akir are waiting to storm Uldum and the rest of Azeroth. Our mission, if we choose to accept it, is to clear out the place and prevent them from really establishing a foothold on our lands. At a glance, here's the gist of the instance. three boss encounters levels 82-84 average item level 272 recommended (according to dungeon finder)