

  • Take a look at character creation for all Asta races in new videos

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Character creation. For some players, it's the boring part of the game that you have to click through quickly in order to get on with the hitting. For others, it's half of the reason you're playing the game at all. If you're of the former camp, you're probably not going to get much out of this series of high-definition videos detailing character creation for all the races in Asta: The War of Tears and Wind. But if you're in the latter camp, you've got some viewing ahead of you. All six races from the game have character creation extensively displayed, including both genders for the dimorphic races getting separate treatment. Each of the races also has some unique features, ranging from the horns of the Dragon race to the tusks of the Oni race to the spine apparently constructed from flexible tubing of the Fox race. (Or maybe the female model is just posed oddly.) While there's no word yet on release, you can still look longingly at all of the videos and start thinking about what you'd want to play if and when the game comes overseas. [Thanks to steparu taru for the tip!]

  • Check out ten minutes of Asta game footage

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The folks at Asta: The War of Tears and Winds are probably hoping that Mists of Pandaria players will crave even more Asian World of Warcraft action as evidenced by a new video that shows off the game's looks and combat. It's a lengthy 10-minute tour that begins with character creation (why are MMO characters so fidgety, anyway?) and progresses through several zones with an emphasis on battles, scenery, and East Asian designs. Asta's been in the making for quite some time now and features a gorgeous look powered by the CryEngine 3. Check out the new footage after the jump and see whether this might tempt you to put your current game down in the future. [Thanks to Paul for the tip!]

  • New Asta gameplay clips revealed at G-Star 2012

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Just when you thought there couldn't be any more interesting MMOs hailing from Korea and this week's G-Star 2012 convention, along comes Asta. Actually the full title is Asta: The War of Tears and Winds, and it's a game we've had one eye on since 2011. MMO Culture calls it an "Asian World of Warcraft," and this is borne out in the new trailer and gameplay clips released today. Hangame has built Asta on the CryEngine 3, and the game eschews the new hotness of action MMO combat for a more traditional tab-targeting system. Get a load of some gameplay footage after the cut.