

  • CCP revamping DUST 514's skill system

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    DUST 514's May 6th Uprising patch will revamp the sci-fi shooter's skill system. Among the changes are the removal of multiple prerequisite skills and a new node-based skill tree view that will replace the current list-based approach. CCP is also refunding skill points and ISK and AUR for certain items based on their market value at the time of the respec. "You may have committed to a certain play style, and with an overhauled layout and collection of skills, you may find yourself regretting some of your prior choices," explains DUST creative director Atli Mar Sveinsson on the PlayStation Blog. "We have thus decided that it is far better to respec not only the skills but items as well. In short, you will get your skill points back and the ISK and AUR value of any item that is removed from your inventory."

  • DUST 514 Neocom makes game functions portable via PS Vita app

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Although unable to participate in actual gameplay unless they are sitting at their consoles, DUST 514 players will be able to access a variety of features from anywhere on their mobile devices using a companion app to the PS3. Dubbed DUST 514 Neocom, this PS Vita app grants full access to the fittings system, allowing players to adjust armor, weaponry, and vehicle configurations. The app also lets players peruse and purchase from the game's store; it even offers daily deals and special offers. CCP Creative Director Atli Mar Sveinsson stated, "There are so many parts of DUST 514 that you can take with you and don't need a PS3 to enjoy, and this was the perfect way to exploit those features. The whole PlayStation ecosystem works really well, allowing these systems to connect and be a nice cohesive experience. It's MMO on the go."

  • CCP Asia on innovation and risk with DUST 514

    James Egan
    James Egan

    This past August's announcement from CCP Games of a new title -- DUST 514, a console MMOFPS set in EVE Online's New Eden galaxy -- drew both great interest and intense criticism from gamers. If successful, CCP Games will be the first game company to tie a console FPS in with a separate MMO. (Not entirely separate, however. DUST 514 mercenaries will fight it out on the surface of the same planets seen from space in EVE Online. Their successes and failures will ultimately play a role in the balance of power in EVE.) Since that first flurry of info about DUST 514, it's been rather quiet on the news front. However, a two-part article published at Edge Online this week focuses on CCP's new game. Edge Online's "Enter Planet Dust" is something of a primer on the core concepts behind the title but is also one of the most comprehensive pieces written about DUST 514 to date. Edge also interviewed some of the key CCP Games staff working on the game in Shanghai -- Kjartan Pierre Emilsson, Managing Director of CCP Asia and Atli Már Sveinsson, Creative Director on DUST 514.

  • EVE Fanfest 2009 highlights

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The biggest player gathering of the year for EVE Online fans is EVE Fanfest, held annually in the CCP Games hometown of Reykjavik. Some interesting announcements of what's to come have been made over the past few days, as well as more details or clarification on previously announced aspects of both EVE Online and DUST 514. Read on for a few highlights of the info revealed at EVE Fanfest 2009 for the game and the IP beyond the Dominion expansion (slated for a December 1st launch):