

  • Chaos Theory: The dark side of The Secret World's Issue 8

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Last week MJ espoused her belief that The Secret World Issue 8's scenarios are a terrific addition to the game and worthy of your consideration. As much fun as she's been having, my own experiences have been middling-to-poor with Issue 8. In my opinion, this is the first Issue that's really stumbled in terms of accessibility and quality. Part of that was to be expected. Issue 8 is, let's face it, a stalling tactic so Funcom can finish up the first half of Tokyo. It's busy work for the community in the guise of a "certification" as well as an AP/SP sink for those of us who have filled out most (or all) of our skill wheel and need some other form of character growth. Mind you, while Issue 8 has stumbled, it's not a travesty. I actually appreciate the idea of a new form of group content that's repeatable, and it's exciting to get a glimpse into the mysterious Council of Venice. But I do want to look at a few failings of this update and how Funcom could improve matters.

  • New video heralds release of The Secret World's Issue #8

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If you've been champing at the bit to get in and try out The Secret World's new scenario system, you can dive in right now -- after you patch the update, that is. Issue #8 The Venetian Agenda is live on servers, continuing the story that left off in Transylvania and opening up the Council of Venice. Players must prove to the Council that their skills are up to the challenge of Tokyo in the virtual reality simulations before they can earn the certification to enter the city when Issue #9 releases. The Venetian Agenda also introduces the new augment system that gives endgame players even more customization options. Take a walk through the new content with Creative Director Joel Bylos in the video below and read even more about the update in Massively's hands-on.