

  • RIFT adds streaming client

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The barrier between interest and hands-on play was knocked down today as Trion Worlds introduced a streaming client for RIFT. The new client will allow players to jump into the game without fully downloading it first. Players with a faster connection are invited to start the streaming client and then log into the game soon thereafter. The new client will continue to download the remainder of the game even while the player is logged in. However, Trion said that slower connection speed computers should wait for the full client to finish downloading first. RIFT's launcher will automatically convert to the new system. Players experiencing background downloading while in-game will see a symbol on the screen to indicate the fact.

  • PS Vita's interface, background downloading, and Getting Started video

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The PlayStation Vita's interface shows a strong iPhone influence, from its touch-only navigation to its stylized unlock screen. In the above video, I provide a quick overview of the UI and touch interface the new handheld system uses, including its multitasking capabilities and "LiveArea" loading screens. I also lie, a bit -- after recording the video, I discovered the obvious fact that you can rearrange your icons, simply by holding a finger on the screen for a few seconds. Just slightly longer than I did in the video. Again, just like an iPhone. From there, you can move or delete items, or change the color of the background. Apologies for the error in the video. After the break, in another video, I use a quick jaunt to the PlayStation Store to demonstrate the background downloading features. I didn't go too in-depth into the PS Store because it's basically lists of Japanese text at this point. Finally, you can see the unskippable introductory video that greets every new Vita user upon starting up the system for the first time.

  • Patch 3.3.3 background downloader active

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    The background downloader has gone active tonight with a 77.5 MB partial file for the Patch 3.3.3 patching process. Don't expect the patch to go live tomorrow, of course (if nothing else, scheduled maintenance isn't long enough), but it looks like we may be within a few weeks of some nice new patch goodness, including the rise of DK frost dual wielding, Frozen Orbs, and the abolishment of battleground marks. For a round up of all of the changes, big and small, coming with the patch, be sure to check our Patch 3.3.3 Info page. Patch 3.3.3 brings about small but noteworthy changes to the World of Warcraft. From a faster CoT, to putting those old Frozen Orbs to better use, to changes to the auction house -- there's several things all WoW players need to know.'s Guide to Patch 3.3.3 will keep you up to date!

  • 2.3 on the Blizzard Background Downloader

    John Himes
    John Himes

    The first official installment of patch 2.3 is now available to the Blizzard Background Downloader. While it may still be several weeks until the patch is activated on the live realms, this is nonetheless a sign of hope for many players who have been eagerly anticipating the new content. I have no doubt that the patch release date guessing game will come up at least once in guild chat while I'm online tonight. (I might even be the instigator.)Many people I've grouped with in game have complained of extra latency while the Downloader is running. If you start to notice this problem while playing tonight, you can always alt-tab out and suspend the download. Also, you can always access the options for the Downloader through the WoW Launcher which, in turn, can be enabled/disabled from your login screen. Additionally, if you'd like to start downloading without starting up WoW, you can use the Background Downloader icon in the WoW folder on your hard drive. For further questions, be sure to check out the Blizzard support page for more help on the subject.