

  • The Guild Counsel: Bad gamers

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    You'll have to forgive me this week for channeling the spirit of Andy Rooney and getting my grump on, but I need to get something off my chest. When it comes to MMOs, I tend to have an optimistic view of things. I think MMOs offer a lot when it comes to learning about ourselves, making connections with others, and exploring amazing worlds. But every time I reassure myself of the positive qualities of gaming, up pops exhibit #4,381 to prove me wrong. I still hold out hope, but in this week's Guild Counsel, I want to look at my most recent encounter with the bleaker side of gaming to see why, after all these years, we haven't escaped it -- and how we might be able to curb it. (And I'll explain why it has to do with Ron Burgundy!)