

  • Real ID and get expanded privacy settings

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Blizzard has come through with its promise of updated and more expansive options for its controversial Real ID feature, connecting Blizzard's games through use of real names as identifiers. The new options allow you to opt out of being listed in the "Friends of Friends" of other users, to deactivate the ability to be seen in Starcraft II's Facebook feature, or to turn off Real ID altogether. To change your privacy options, log in to your account's management page and select Settings, then Communication Preferences. Now all we need is an "go invisible" feature on Real ID, like most instant message clients have, and I'll be a happy Real ID user. The full announcement by Nethaera is below: Nethaera -- New Privacy Settings We'd like to make you aware of the new Real ID-related privacy options we've introduced to These options provide Real ID users with additional tools for customizing the service based on their preferences, enabling the ability to opt in or out of the Real ID "Friends of Friends" and "Add Facebook Friends" features or to turn off Real ID altogether. Real ID offers an optional, convenient way for keeping in touch with real-world friends you know and trust, whether they're playing World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, or one of our future games. The "Friends of Friends" and "Add Facebook Friends" features provide you with even more options to stay connected while you play by making it easier for real-life friends to locate each other on You can easily enable or disable these features through your privacy settings by logging in to your account at source

  • Blizzard responds to common Real ID concerns

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    Nethaera (Blizzard community manager) posted answers to some of the common Real ID questions and concerns on the forums today. With the PR disaster that was Blizzard's original Real ID on the forums concept, a follow-up aimed at easing tensions in the community -- even after the retraction -- was to be expected. While Blizzard offered some good news on things people have been requesting, they also dodged other points for the moment in true Blizzard style. Some highlights from the announcement: no current plans for an online handle to be used in game with Real ID instead of your name feature to disable your name's appearance in Friends of Friends list coming around the time of StarCraft II plans for some sort of unique ID on the WoW forums The full announcement is after the break.

  • The Daily Quest: What's in a name

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Here at, we're on a Daily Quest (which we try to do every day, honest) to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Is there a story out there we ought to link or a blog we should be following? Just leave us a comment and you may see it here tomorrow! Take a look at the links below, and be sure to check out our WoW Resources Guide for more WoW-related sites. The internet today has been awfully, awfully chatty -- which is interesting given the topic. Since Blizzard's announcement earlier today that the official forums would be displaying the real names of players come Cataclysm, people haven't been able to keep quiet about how they are going to be ... keeping quiet once these new forum changes come into play. Let's take a look at a few blogs around the web regarding the new Real ID changes. World of Matticus talks about the good and bad of forum-wide Real ID. Big Bear Butt plans for a Cataclysm -- not the expansion itself, but the changes it brings. Empowered Fire discusses their disappointment in the forum changes. Broken Toys tells Blizzard "You got your Facebook in your message board about my orc game."