Beta Technologies


  • Beta Technologies Alia electric aircraft

    Amazon invests in an electric aircraft maker to further its climate goals

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Amazon has invested in electric aircraft maker Beta Technologies to help its reach its climate targets.

  • The Virtual Whirl: Is one hour enough to be considered an active user?

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    It has long been a matter of considerable debate among virtual-environment pundits about what constitutes an 'active user'. In some ways, subscription MMOGs have it a lot easier than many other kinds of virtual environment. You can always count paying subscribers, and that's all that matters. In a general-purpose virtual environment, free-to-play or 'freemium' model, though, counting active users is important. Trends in active users measure the health of your user communities, as well as allowing you to credibly measure your virtual-world's e-peen compared to that of the competition.

  • The Virtual Whirl: Vox virtualis

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    A change is as good as a holiday, they say. Seriously, I don't actually know anyone who says this other than myself; though I'm assured that there are some folks out there who do. With that tragically underutilized platitude in mind, then, last week I posed a question to a spread of well-known virtual environment users (at least to those that I felt would actually respond) and collected the responses. The question put to the respondents was "What's the single thing that the operators/developers could do to make you feel more satisfied with their virtual environment offering; what thing would help an operator keep you as a customer, or that would make some other operator more appealing than the one or ones you already have?"