

  • 12 Days of Winter Veil Giveaway: Big Battle Bear from

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    12 Days of Winter Veil is under way here at WoW Insider. That means 12 days of giveaways, from loot codes to gaming mice to decor and apparel. Whether you've been a good goblin or a naughty night elf, there's a chance that WoW Insider has a holiday gift for you this season. Using bears as mounts is old hat by now. You have the bear(s) from Zul'Aman, the polar bear from Northrend, the war bear for brutally murdering faction leaders ... but what you don't have is a bear that wears purple eye shadow. Thanks to this Big Battle Bear from, we can fix that. To enter for a chance to win, leave a comment on this post before 11:59 p.m. ET, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012. You can only enter once. We will choose one winner at random. Make sure the email address you use to post entry comments here is one that you check regularly, because that's how we'll contact our winners. Because this is a purely digital item, readers of all regions may enter for a chance to win.

  • Breakfast Topic: Your favorite mount?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Mounts are one of the best parts of World of Warcraft, especially the flying ones. Over the course of levels 30-80 we collect a bunch of them (so many that there's even an Achievement for it -- don't forget to check out our guide) and everyone has one or two tied to their action bars that they use every day. I've got two: the Big Battle Bear) and a Zhevra. But in an ideal world, we all have a list: the Ashes of Al'ar, the now removed Amani War Bear, the Spectral Tiger, the Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wrym ...Top of my list? While I love dragons (and have my eye on a Twilight Drake), the mount I really want is a unicorn. Yes gentle readers, an actual unicorn. Not a striped zebra crossbreed found wandering in the Barrens but a pure white beast of myth. Last week, while exploring the Argent Tournament in Icecrown, I finally found one. Granted it's technically a 'Quel'dorei Steed' but it's a unicorn - with an Azerothian twist. I only hope Blizzard decide to turn this vehicle into an actual mount -- and soon because I will grind anything to get it.Anyway, it got me thinking about mounts (and don't forget we have an awesome guide on the subject). I have a friend who collect everyone going (he's got ninety nine at the moment) and strives for the Ashes to complete his collection, others are still using their race-specific epic mount or gryphon/wind rider. So I ask you, readers, what mount do you want the most? It doesn't matter if it's an old mount now removed, a ridable version of your favourite Azerothian animal or just something straight out of myth, speak up.