

  • Expressing concerns for EVE Online's player-elected council

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    As a game developer, CCP has always been the type to do things in a rather unconventional way -- especially when it comes to how they choose to interact with their community. So it's safe to say their approach to dealing with public relations disasters -- such as the now-infamous T20 incident involving a CCP dev -- was going to be interesting. Their decision ended up being the formation of a player-elected council that would serve as a sort of advisory group to the CCP team.Well, Bitter Old Noob was kind enough to give a rundown on this new-fangled idea of putting a bit of democracy into our massively games. The whole post reads as decidedly concerned for what could essentially turn into a popularity contest with the wrong people getting elected and the possibility for CCP to stop listening to non-council players -- it's a valid concern. We'll just have to wait and see, though.Voting apparently begins in May, which gives players interested in earning one of the nine spots on the council time to start campaiging. We'll be keeping tabs on how this all ends up, because this the most extreme case of a developer trying to listen to the voice of their player-base.

  • Drone Bay podcast starts

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our friend CrazyKinux took our advice and named the podcast he's doing with Crovan (of Bitter Old Noob) and Aldresech "The Drone Bay," and episode #1 is up and available for listening right now. On the show, the three guys discuss what they've been up to in the EVE Online universe lately, as well as the Alliance Tournament, and a big rundown of EVE's economic setup (CK's notes can all be found on his site as well). Oh and they also talk about a non-EVE game, which rhymes with Rabula Tasa.All in all, good show, and definitely seems like it will be a great place to get a weekly podcast fix for EVE Online news. The guys definitely know their stuff, and while audience participation could probably get a little busier (we'll give them a break -- it's their first show), it definitely stays interesting and is perfect for keeping busy during those long mining sessions. Congrats to the guys on starting off running, can't wait to hear more.

  • Crazykinux, Bitter Old Noob plan new EVE podcast

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our good friend Crazykinux reveals that along with Bitter Old Noob and fellow EVE player Aldresech, they're plotting a brand new EVE podcast. Normally, this isn't really news (podcasts are a dime a dozen, and in fact, we'll put a Massively podcast together eventually, I guarantee), but considering that Crazy and BON are such experts on the game, and that they really seem to be putting the brain to the pedal on this one (they're talking "segments" and "content"), we can already tell it'll be a good listen.They are also looking for a name, however, so if you've got a suggestion, roll on over to BON's post and suggest your own. Without having heard it, it's hard to come up with a name, and though "Transversal Velocity" seems to be winning, I'll nudge them that "TV" is already taken. "The Drone Bay" is a good one, too, but I admire "PODcast," if only for its simplicity. Can't wait to hear it.