

  • Gorgeous new Black Desert screens feature mounts, housing

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    MMO Culture has posted some gorgeous screenshots from Black Desert, the new sandbox MMO currently being developed by Korea's Pearl Abyss. Most of the images focus on mounts and player housing. Earlier this year Pearl Abyss showed off portions of the title's housing system, and MMO Culture has included a cam-quality video that we've embedded for you after the break. The site notes that it is unclear how much the housing system has changed from the functionality shown in the video to the current build which is reflected in the new screenshots. [Thanks Dengar!]

  • Pearl Abyss releases new Black Desert trailer, screens

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Pearl Abyss has put up a new teaser website for its upcoming Black Desert sandbox. Prior to today the fantasy title had no real web presence outside of its Facebook page, but now interested gamers can check out a selection of screenshots and a new teaser trailer on the game's official site! The catch is that the site is in Korean, but that shouldnt stop you from oohing and ahhing over the visuals. Click past the cut for the teaser trailer. [Thanks everyone who tipped us!]

  • Gorgeous Black Desert trailer shows off combat, classes, and weather

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Pearl Abyss has released seven minutes of stunning new footage from its Black Desert MMORPG. The clip features an eyeful of the game's unique weather and climate systems (which are specific to each region) as well as plenty of fly-through shots featuring varied environments. We also get a good look at mounts, combat, and closeups of various classes like the Valkyrie, Wizard, and more. Steparu has posted a brief write-up on the game as well as a couple of additional videos covering housing and the trade map. Combat is described as a hybrid between third-person action titles like TERA and Vindictus and FPS-style systems like those in the Elder Scrolls series. Head past the cut for the full trailer.