

  • First "authorized" BlackBerry store opens, looks a little sad

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Screw the glitz and glamor of a posh flagship location in Manhattan. How about a store in the heart of Toronto, RIM's backyard? Nah, still too flashy. Waterloo's finest are seriously taking it to the trenches for their first officially licensed BlackBerry store, an unassuming, freestanding white building in Farmington Hills, Michigan of all places. The store isn't actually run by RIM -- they've left the grunt work to established retailer Wireless Giant -- but it does seem to be a pretty comprehensive BlackBerry haven with offerings available from all four national US carriers under one convenient roof. That being said, we're not really picturing folks driving from states away to pay homage to this shack; let's try more giant plasmas, multicolor lights, and glass walls if you ever decide to set up camp in Times Square, alright, RIM?