

  • Submit your questions for BlizzCon art panel

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    BlizzCon 2013 is just under two months away, and preparations are in full swing. This year, there's a few new ideas in the works, as Community Manager Bashiok explains in a forum post. Specifically, Blizzard wants your questions for their art panel, particularly if you record them and post a video. The video isn't necessary, but if you make one and they feature your question, they'll play it at the panel before answering. Note that this post is for questions for the art panel only. Thus anything regarding class balance, PvP, lore, systems design, servers, etc are off limits and will be deleted. Appropriate questions to ask are more along the lines of character design, polygon count, animations, textures, color schemes, and so on. Good things to keep in mind are that WoW's art team has made changes to certain things in the past based on player feedback -- the male blood elf models and female worgen models come to mind -- so this is a great opportunity to have your voice heard. You can submit your questions, or link your videos, in this forum post, also stickied at the top of the US general discussion forums.