

  • About the Bloggers: Sean Forsgren

    Sean Forsgren
    Sean Forsgren

    Twice a week, our writers will tell you more about themselves, and let you get to know them and the characters they play a little better. Click here to read more About the Bloggers. What do you do for WoW Insider?I don't do much blogging per se, I guess I've settled into just keeping up on my two columns; Addon Spotlight and Macro Anatomy. I am constantly looking for new ways to customize my game play, as well as creating little tools to streamline what I do in-game. Aside from that, I pipe in on random conversations once in awhile, but keep to myself for the most part.What's your main right now?Right now I'm focused on my Blood Elf Paladin, gearing up in Karazhan for PvE and the Battlegrounds and Arena for PvP gear. I'm a proud holy-specced paladin, who enjoys the tough job of keeping people alive. As my guild knows, I also have aspirations for PvE tanking and PvP retribution endeavors in the future. Ask me next week and I may say one of my numerous alts is my main, its a fluid process.For the Horde or Glory to the Alliance?I'm for the Horde these days. My previous main was my Human Paladin (see a pattern here?) on a "Normal Server", but I opted to reroll with a friend on PvP server as Horde. Nowadays I don't even bother playing on my old care bear server, I love the tension of knowing other players are fair game. I used to think I'd never go back to Alliance either. As it turns out, I've recently started working on some Alliance alts on a different PvP server. (I really want to pounce on someone with my Night Elf Druid.) So, as always my allegiances are not to one side or the other, but to my own preferences in any given moment. (Chaotic Neutral!?)