

  • BlogZot: HoudahSpot

    Dan Lurie
    Dan Lurie

    Spotlight is great, but its interface leaves one wanting. Its difficult to specify location, file type, date modified, and other types of file data without going out of your way to learn spotlight commands. HoudahSpot introduces a whole new way to interact with spotlight. Upon opening the program, one is greeted with an interface not dissimilar to the PathFinder search dialog, allowing users to choose where, for what file types and dates modified, as well as multiple other variables, to search. MacZot is doing another one of their BlogZot promotions for this product, in which every blog post advertising the event takes $0.05 off the price, until HoudahSpot is free. Only 5000 licenses of HoudahSpot are available, so get your posts in soon.

  • macZOT! offers SubEthaEdit

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Speaking of free, those crazy folks at macZOT! are at it again. They are running BLOGZOT 2.0 on (what's up with all the caps?) in which several thousand copies of SubEthaEdit (totaling about $105,000 in software) might be given away. Why do I say 'might be given away'? Because the concept of the BlogZot is that a certain number of bloggers must write about it and submit their entries to MACZot! in order for the price to fall.