

  • Rock Band Weekly: Chili Pepper's Blood Sugar Sex Magik album

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The Red Hot Chili Pepper's acclaimed Blood Sugar Sex Magik album, featuring at least one thinly veiled junkie ballad you memorized during adolescence, will arrive in the Rock Band Store next week. Let's hope it shows a bit more professionalism than the last full album to crash the living room stage! Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1600 / $20)* or by individual track (160 / $2): "The Power of Equality" "If You Have to Ask" "Breaking the Girl" "Funky Monks" "Suck My Kiss" "I Could Have Lied" "Mellowship Slinky in B Major" "The Righteous & The Wicked" "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" "Under the Bridge" "Naked in the Rain" "Apache Rose Peacock" "The Greeting Song My" "Lovely Man Sir" "Psycho Sexy" "They're Red Hot" *Album excludes "Give It Away" (available on Rock Band 2 disc).A karaoke-style video for each song can be found after the break (so go practice!). The tracks will be available for purchase on Tuesday, September 30th on Xbox 360, and Thursday, October 2nd on PlayStation 3.