

  • Warlords of Draenor: Black market auction house to move

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Ion Hazzikostas aka WatcherDev on Twitter has confirmed that the Black Market Auction House will be making its appearance in Warlords of Draenor, just in a new spot. @GurkTV @Celestalon Yes, just moving from Pandaria to a new location for 6.0. - Watcher (@WatcherDev) June 12, 2014 It's no big surprise that it will be moving. It's current location isn't particularly convenient for players who aren't hanging around in Pandaria, which, once the new expansion drops, will be most of us. Interestingly enough, though, it's moving in 6.0 -- before the actual expansion release -- which implies to me that it won't actually be on Draenor. I could be wrong of course, but this makes sense to me, because, if the BMAH is truly an Azeroth thing, why would you find it on a new, alternate-timeline planet? Still, I'll be interested to see where it ends up.

  • How to check the Black Market Auction house without going there

    Basil Berntsen
    Basil Berntsen

    The Black Market Auction House is a special AH that allows you to buy items that are rare and sometimes unobtainable with gold otherwise. It's an extremely effective gold sink, but it's tucked away in the middle of nowhere, and you can't see what's for sale on your realm from the remote AH. Unfortunately, since Blizzard doesn't make the BMAH accessible through the same API as the regular Auction Houses, you are expected to log in and travel to the Veiled Stair in order to see whether there was anything there for you. The Undermine Journal is a website that collects, organizes, and displays information about the Auction House of every realm: Horde, Alliance, and Neutral. Additionally, starting in January, they launched a (still beta) feature that shows us the contents of the BMAH. Assuming you're not on a PvP realm, you can avoid the flight to the Veiled Stair to check whether there's something worth buying by simply checking the Undermine Journal.

  • Brawler's Guild: There must be another way

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Regular WoW Insider readers may have caught sight of my earlier piece regarding Brawler's Guild. I hope it came across in that piece just how excited I was about this impending new feature, how much I wanted to keep doing it despite the fact that it awarded nothing but fun and ranking. I mentioned that there were likely to be changes coming to two elements, the rotten fruit thrown by other players at the person fighting, and the queue times. I postulated that a fix for the queue times, which were very long indeed on the Patch 5.1 PTR and promised to be even longer on live servers, could be something along the lines of instancing, using the new scenario technology, phasing, or simply introducing more rings somehow. I did not anticipate that the proposed solution would be to make this fantastic new feature invitation only, and that those invitations would only be sold on the Black Market Auction House. I didn't anticipate this for several reasons. Firstly, the Brawler's Guild is far too brilliant an idea for Blizzard to want to gate it. It wouldn't make sense to me that, given that most players can access this, they should be prevented from doing so. It's a really brilliant side feature, a game within the game. At the time of writing, it awards no gear, no useable boost or bonus. It's like pet battles, only now it's invitation only.