

  • Todoist Boards

    Todoist's new Boards feature is a better-looking Trello

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Todoist adds a card-based Boards feature to its project management app.

  • Pinterest shopping

    Pinterest makes it much easier to buy what you see

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    Pinterest has introduced a few new features to make it easier to shop directly from pins.

  • Pinterest

    Pinterest boards can be split into sections

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    Pinterest has made it easier to keep on top of all your pins with a new board sections feature, which lets you create multiple sections within a single board. So if you're big into home inspo, you could have a single "living room" board with separate sections for furniture, artwork and lighting, rather than lumping them all in together, or having to keep track of multiple boards.

  • Pinterest rebuilt its app to speed up your board browsing

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Pinterest regularly adds new features that make using its digital scrapbook of sorts a more pleasant experience. Features like shopping pins, location pins and a search tool that can identify items in a photo all lend a hand compiling your boards. After redesigning profiles to make saving and sorting pins a bit easier, the company has completely retooled its iOS app to tidy up and offer quicker performance. The "new modern look" puts the focus on the pins themselves instead of icons, descriptions and profile images. Pinterest says the app is now "universally readable" as well, supporting 31 different languages.

  • Bing Boards introduce curated content, alliteration to search results

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Bing might not yet have achieved true verb status, but it's definitely making all the right moves to get there. The latest twist on search? Curated content in search results. It's an experimental feature at the moment -- live in the US, but possibly not all territories just yet -- that delivers collections of images, videos or links relating to your query a-la Google's Knowledge Graph, but curated by a person (not an algorithm). Microsoft's testing the waters with a hand-picked selection of food and lifestyle bloggers right now, but hopes to expand this to more topics as the idea grows. Head to the more coverage link if you want to see what these cards might look like, in the meantime, time to dust off that abandoned spreadsheet blog?

  • Touchgrind in the App Store

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I remain a complete non-fan of "fingerboarding," or skateboarding on a miniature skateboard with your fingers, but on the other hand (so to speak), I'm a huge fan of physics, especially on a touchscreen, so I'm torn about the release of Touchgrind, which has now made its way into the App Store for $4.99. Playing with a tiny skateboard in real-life seems kind of silly. But playing with a virtual skateboard that responds realistically to your fingers flipping and tapping on a multitouch screen could be really, really awesome -- like a skating game with the best controls ever.Unfortunately, there's no free demos here -- either you jump in for $5 or you don't. But if you do, there's actually a lot on offer -- 3 game modes, 12 different boards each with their own abilities, and a set of tutorials to get you started. I'm intrigued: I'm not quite sure a mini skateboard will keep my attention for all that long, but it might be worth $5 just to see the physics in action.

  • WAR NDA (probably) ends next week, CE pre-orders to join closed beta

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Mythic's Mark Jacobs wrote a post-announcement update on the Vault Network boards today. The purpose of the post was to clarify some of the details about the release date, pre-orders, and the beta test. Warhammer Online fans should definitely read the post. Most of what he said was clarification about known information, but there were a couple big reveals.Jacob hopes that the nondisclosure agreement (NDA) that prevents current WAR beta testers from publicly discussing their experiences will end next week. He noted that three issues have been preventing the team from taking that step so far, but that progress has been made and resolutions are imminent.The other big news: folks who pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of the game will soon be invited to participate in the closed beta test. This is probably only a small win for those folks, given the rumors that the open beta is a couple weeks away. Jacobs declined to confirm a date for the open beta, saying that the announcement will come when the game is 100% ready. Not committing is a wise move in light of the problems Age of Conan had in its open beta event. Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out all of our previous Warhammer Online features, and don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!