

  • Ice-T dropping new Gears of War 3 track tonight on G4 [update: And here it is!)

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Music legend and adroit crime-solver Ice-T is a man of many, many talents, as evidenced by the very first part of this sentence, during which we explained that he is a music legend who solves crimes. Need further proof, for some inexplicable reason? The beverage-named gentleman, alongside his temporarily reunited musical outfit Body Count, will debut his newest music video on tonight's episode of X-Play: "Horde 2.0: Five Against All," a song inspired by Gears of War 3, which also features Ice-T's voice acting talents. We'll try to grab the video once it airs tonight on G4TV at 6:30 p.m. ET. Until then, we'll work tirelessly to corroborate these rumors that Ice-T did some of the programming on the fifth level of Gears 3, and also wrote a good hundred or so pages of the game's script. Update: Find the, uh, "music video" after the break.

  • EVE Community Spotlight: Winterblink Part 2

    James Egan
    James Egan

    You're well-known as being a member of Body Count, part of the now-defunct but legendary alliance Mercenary Coalition. Were you into 0.0 warfare when you began? Are these large-scale fleet engagements the highest level of gameplay for you, or are you happier roaming with small gangs?Back when I first started EVE, I initially started by forming my own corporation with some real life friends. We made some friends with other corps in our constellation, and when my real life friends moved on I joined up with one of those, Colossus Technologies. It was an industrial corp by nature, so there was a lot of mining and building happening, but we joined up with Xetic Alliance and I got my first taste of PvP with them.When I got into Body Count and Mercenary Coalition, EVE became a whole different ball game for me, basically shedding my prior life for the life of a full-on PVP pilot. Right from the start I tried to attend ops as much as I could, and these would be anything from mercenary contracts in empire to 0.0 ones. As EVE and 0.0 combat evolved, so did we, eventually becoming what was arguably one of the most skilled capital fleets at the time.

  • EVE Community Spotlight: Winterblink

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Some players in EVE Online are known for a particular contribution to the community. Others for their presence on the forums or for their reputation as a pilot. EVE's players know Winterblink for all of these reasons, and more. While there are a number of celebrated players in EVE Online, few names are as recognizable in the game as Winterblink. Whether you're a fan of the Warp Drive Active comic, you listen to his podcast, or perhaps you just want to podkill him... most players agree that he's one of the friendliest people you're likely to meet in EVE, except for when he's got you in his sights. Massively recently caught up with Winterblink and spoke with him about how Warp Drive Active came to be, finding humor in a game that's taken so seriously by its players, and what it means to him to be a part of the EVE community.

  • The perpetual balancing act of EVE Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online is a game where a slight nerf on one game mechanic can have a large effect on many players. As such, and as with most MMOs, many EVE players react with indignation that their chosen ship, playstyle, or market specialization will be affected in the name of "balance." After all, no one likes getting nerfed. Still, sometimes having a wider perspective on an ever-changing game is a good thing. Winterblink of Warp Drive Active fame has been playing the game for just over five years, and shares his take on the hysteria and forum venom which follows a big nerf, and what the end result usually is. Winterblink cites some of the major nerfs and boosts over the years in EVE Online with the longer view that, so far, the balances have largely succeeded. Check out Winterblink's "The Endless Nerf" and see if you agree with his views on balance in the game.

  • Halo 3 body count surpasses Earth's population

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    A member of the Bungie forums points out that the Halo 3 campaign kill count has surpassed the population of the human virus infecting and multiplying on this third rock from the sun. Halo 3 UNSC Campaign Report -- Enemies KIA: 6,743,784,316 US Census Bureau PopClock estimate of Earth's population: 6,705,451,100 Useless information? For sure! But, when it comes up as a Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy question, you'll be happy you knew this factoid.