

  • The Daily Grind: What's your favorite boss quote?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Like any good villain, a memorable dungeon boss needs a bit of an introduction, a smidge of pizzazz before he, she or it starts thwomping on your head in a three-stage attack pattern. Usually this comes in the form of a welcome speech: "Hello honored guest (I thus say sarcastically)! Behold my quirky nature! I'm deeply surprised you made it this far, but now you will die!" Because we tend to run boss fights so very often, the dialogue these beasts spout tends to become ingrained into our noggins before long. My current favorite is Battlemaster Atrophinius, the Lord of Autumn from RIFT's Realm of the Fae. Who doesn't like a swaggering drunk who fights you solely because you interrupted his mead time? Because of him, I now use the phrase "frosty fop" in each and every conversation that I have. So what's your favorite boss quote? For a bonus question, do lengthy boss introductions annoy or amuse you? For a final Jeopardy answer, this NPC is renowned for saying "What?! Now you've done it! The bunnies are angry! ANGRY I TELL YOU!" Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Breakfast Topic: Favorite Boss quotes

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Many times we find ourselves too busy as rush through dungeons and raids to truly appreciate the creativity that goes into them. I get a kick out of the amusing, over dramatic, and downright egotistical things that bosses say when facing their demise. Balthazaar of Etrigg began a thread in the official forums on favorite boss quotes. The original poster mentioned that simply the word, "Die," as articulated by Gruul [in Gruul's Lair] as being a chilling statement. Nobor of Kel'Thuzad added "Anything Prince Malchezaar [in Karazhan] says. Because he's got the smoothest, sexiest voice in the game." There were several other notables. Winghong of Scarlet Crusade, [James Vishas inScarlet Monastery], "Naughty Secrets." Crits of Magtheridon, Lady Blaumeux (3rd Rider of the Apocalypse) [In Naxxramas], "The first kill goes to me! Anyone care to wager?" Anubie of Eonar, Selin Fireheart in Magister's Terrace, "Yes! I am a god!" Donvito of Gorgonnash, Shade of Aran [in Karazhan], "Where did you get that?! Did HE send you?" Kainas of Stormreaver, [Bill Lumbergh in Office Space] "So, Peter, what's happening? Aahh, now, are you going to go ahead and have those TPS reports for us this afternoon?" Ok, so the last one takes a little artistic license. My favorite is Keli'dan the Breaker of Blood Furnace when he says, "Closer! Come closer... and burn!" What's your favorite boss quote?