

  • RealXtend 0.3 released

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    The RealXtend team has released the latest version of their extended, viewer and opensim-based system code. This brings realXtend up to version 0.3. The viewer sports new basic avatars (three), attachments direct to the avatar (rather than to a bone-based attachment point), prim sizes increased to 128 metres in any dimension, fixed assorted crash bugs and more. The server code handles the support for these features, along with a bunch of bug-fixes, Skype support, inverse kinematics and variable avatar walk-speeds.

  • The 25-year-old BSD bug

    Robert Palmer
    Robert Palmer

    Today in 1983, "Beat It" by Michael Jackson may have topped the charts, but a slight bug in the *dir() library was found only a few days ago by OpenBSD developer Marc Balmer (no rela -- oh, wait). OS News has the entire amusing tale of the bug in BSD (the UNIX foundation of Mac OS X) that's been alive and kicking for nearly 25 years. Balmer contacted Marshall Kirk McKusick, the original developer of the *dir() library, who confirmed the error. Thankfully, the fix was simple, but Balmer kidded, "[s]orry that it took us almost 25 years to fix it." Thanks, Cameron!

  • Apple releases Darwin 9.0, Unix foundation of Leopard

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    Back when the Intel Macs first appeared there was a delay from Apple in releasing Darwin 8, the open-source BSD/Unix foundation of Tiger. Crazy theories were adduced, and bad intentions attributed to Apple, but eventually Darwin 8 for Intel Macs was released. Apple seems to have moved even faster with OS X 10.5, and just a couple of weeks after the commercial release of Leopard, Darwin 9.0 is now available at Apple's Darwin page. So if you've ever wanted to root around in the source for the foundations of Leopard, here's your chance.[via Digg]

  • iPhone BSD package updated

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    iPhone developer NerveGas has updated his BSD subsystem in preparation for the new iPhone jailbreak. This new release offers tighter code fixes ("less cruft"), a few additions and a few omissions of less useful items. He also removed libarmfp dependencies. In other words, this release brings iPhone users closer to the standard BSD world. Among other changes, NerveGas has rebuilt the kext tools, added reboot, mknod, a working chown and vmstat. Other new items include chflags, lsvfs, mkfifo (and friends), tee, renice, and cap_mkdb. You might notice one big missing item: minicom. NerveGas will be releasing minicom as a separate package. NerveGas has also updated ssh.