

  • CCP hires new Executive Producer for DUST 514, Jean-Charles Gaudechon

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It makes sense to hire people based on what they've already proven capable of doing. That's obvious. If someone has built seven houses that have all stood up to hurricanes, you're probably going to hire that guy to build your hurricane shelter. And if someone's familiar with making multiplayer first-person shooters work in the free-to-play market, well, you'll hire him to manage DUST 514. That's what CCP Games did with their newest Executive Producer for the game. Jean-Charles Gaudechon previously worked for Electronic Arts in Stockholm, Sweden, where he worked on both Battlefield: Play4free and Battlefield Heroes. He also worked on Need for Speed World, which is less of a shooter but still an online title with similar needs to DUST 514. Gaudechon will be responsible for overseeing further development of the title at CCP's Shanghai studio and will report directly to senior VP of product development Sean Decker. [Source: CCP Games press release]

  • Uncharted Waters Online moves to gPotato

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    gPotato already hosts a substantial number of different games -- Aika, Allods Online, and Rappelz spring to mind as some of the more familiar names. But that list has just expanded by one more entry, as Uncharted Waters Online joins the service. The 15th-century naval game allows players to create a naval pioneer during the Age of Exploration from any of the six major powers of the time, adventuring in the (highly stylized) backdrop of the era. To celebrate the change in service, the game is running two new events: a new player contest with a number of high-end prizes and a doubled experience event for all players below a certain level. Both events will be running until late July, giving everyone interested in the game ample time to take part. So whether you're an old fan of Uncharted Waters Online or you're new to the concept, it seems like a fine time to give it a shot.