

  • UFC Undisputed 2010 video explores career mode

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If the above video is any indication, UFC Undisputed 2010 is really looking to provide a comprehensive career experience akin to what you see fighters go through in those MMA reality shows, sans the camera confessionals. In THQ's sequel, you'll get to follow your virtual brawler through almost every facet of the sport -- from weigh-ins to training and even the WFA, to eventual UFC stardom -- picking up a rivalry or two along the way. We'll see if UFC Undisputed 2010 can pull off this ambitious career simulation when it hits the retail mat on May 25.

  • Eidos 'life president' Ian Livingstone to keynote NLGD's Festival of Games in June

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Now that we've lost both Gygax and Arneson, we have to learn as much as we can from the still-living legends of gaming. One of these is Ian Livingstone -- he co-founded the great Games Workshop back in the day with John Peake and Steve Jackson. Currently, he's serving as the "life president" of Eidos, and lambasting the mass media for their portrayal of games (because if there's one thing a living legend should do, it's tell the kids these days that they're doing it wrong). And now De Nederlandse Gamedagen (NLGD, for short) has announced that Livingstone will be speaking at its annual Festival of Games in Holland this coming June. He'll be talking about his career and how he's integrated Eidos with Square Enix over the last year or so. Just do us a favor if you do end up going to see the show: Start your Q&A question off with, "Mr. Livingstone, I presume?"

  • EVE Online devs seek your input on improving the New Player Experience

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online can be a daunting game to get a handle on. Still, the New Player Experience (NPE) that greets rookies today is far better than the early tutorials that some of us at Massively, and no doubt a number of our readers, experienced 'back in the day'. There are many careers and mini-professions a player can choose to pursue in EVE, but conveying this in the NPE -- and guiding these new players towards these playstyles -- remains a challenge for CCP Games. This is the focus of the latest dev blog by EVE Online developer CCP Soundwave. He explains how player feedback has made those first weeks of gameplay a much smoother learning experience for the game's rookies. However, he notes that they're continuing to improve the NPE for the next expansion. To that end, CCP is seeking input from the players on these questions:

  • Mythic working on expansion and 'new-new classes'

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    If you go to Paul Barnett's personal blog, you'll discover two enticing things. One, there's a lot of videos with him doing his thing in a pretty much unfiltered manner. And two, you can grab sneak peeks at upcoming Warhammer Online updates and fixes in general. Today Paul posted a video in where he flashes a sheet of paper filled with his thoughts on expansions and new careers, but not just one's we've heard of apparently. Nope, Paul quickly points out that these are "new-new careers" before Mr. Josh Drescher (also featured in the video) pulls the latch shut on that topic. Oh, how they love to tease us.So now we're left the with a question: Are these new-new careers to possibly replace one of the old ones, or for an eventual expansion? We wouldn't be surprised if they were for both, honestly. Don't put it past Paul -- a man who just finished having a wonderful time playing D&D over the weekend -- not to have oodles of careers ideas written on pieces of paper. Check after the break for the latest video update.

  • E-mail a resum, work for SOE

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Sony Online Entertainment is hiring for a few positions, and is soliciting resumés on its game forums.Specifically, it's looking for customer support representatives to work with knowledge base articles for Free Realms and Vanguard. The job descriptions note that SOE's knowledge base articles are extremely important because they're the first and most common point of contact for customers. The CSRs will be responsible for producing, reviewing, and regionalizing knowledge base content.The jobs appear to be entry level -- only a couple of years of gaming experience and a high school diploma are required. So if you know your MMO stuff, you live in or near San Diego (or are willing to move there, presumably), and you're out of work, e-mail SOE your resumé. You never know; it might be good.

  • White Lions are the last career for High Elves?

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just a little bit of fun speculation about the last class for Warhammer Online's High Elves-- GOA, the company co-publishing WAR in Europe, apparently put up this big display picture at Dreamhack, and Warhammer know-it-alls have identified that High Elf on the right as a "White Lion," supposedly a career straight from the miniatures game.Of course, we have no idea what this means-- previous speculation has called the White Lion career a DPS-based pet class (wielding a melee-two hander and fighting with pets?), and while the miniatures class looks completely different, there's no doubt that there is definitely a white lion fighting alongside the Elf in the picture above. All of this is still just rumors, however -- we won't know what that last High Elves career is until they announced it -- but hey, at least it's a cool looking display.

  • WAR's November podcast previews Shadow Warrior class

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yesterday we saw a preview of the Swordmaster class, and today we've got a look at another one of the High Elf classes for the upcoming Warhammer Online, the Shadow Warrior. Mythic sent us their November podcast, in which they get a little wacky while telling us about what they're working on for the class that loves their bows. In the words of Paul Barnett, these are "indie, emo High Elves" that play as scouts, "but unlike scouts that sell you cookies, these guys only sell death."There are two specialties within the Shadow Warrior career-- one is all about increasing ranged damage as much as possible, and the other is about adding a little bit of melee effectiveness at the end of all that ranged damage. They make it super clear that it's only a little bit of melee-- as you can see from the still above, Shadow Warriors love their bows: "bow bow bow bow bow." But one tree of the Shadow Warrior class will let you finish off foes with melee, adding a little extra dimension to what is primarily a ranged class.There's also just a tiny bit of game video in the podcast, but way too little-- they even say that they couldn't get much approved to show off yet. At any rate, this looks like yet another interesting addition to Warhammer's already mixed bag of tricks.

  • PGR4 gets career mode, 'dynamic' weather, and (duh) new cars

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    "Dynamic." The coveted buzzword adds a Hemi-like boost to Project Gotham Racing 4's newly announced gameplay element: a weather system -- a dynamic weather system. Wipe out as you power around a corner into a rare Shanghai snow storm, or get pounded by a sudden downpour on your last lap through St. Petersburg. Expect the unexpected. That's next-gen, er, dynamic.Of course, the stakes are higher while competing in the new career mode. As you act a fool, earning Kudos and dedicated fans along the way, you'll have to balance an addiction to flair with the unsettling fear that a freak weather occurrence could cut short your days of thunder-less glory. That or the "new" AI (the "dynamic" adjective was already taken) will just own your ass -- in style. Yes folks, Bizarre has promised virtual fist-pumping.PGR4 is tentatively scheduled for a fall 2007 release.[Via Microsoft media blast]%Gallery-3052%

  • SXSW: The Inside Scoop - how to get a job in the game industry

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    For the most part, the "Inside Scoop" about getting a job in the gaming industry sounded like getting a job in pretty much any industry, except maybe trading decommissioned nuclear weapons on the black market. They hit the main points several times, which were as follows: Have a professional looking resume. Wear clean, washed (!) clothes to any meeting or interview. Be on time. Network. Network. Network. Like any industry you hope to break into, it's often not what you know, but who you know. Although panelist Bryan Stratton did add that he had a friend who he helped get a job in the field, and he ended up making a lot less money than he should have because of his lack of a higher education. So put down the controllers from time to time and read a book, ftw ... er, paycheck.Of particular note, one panelist mentioned that the two most important applications you can learn to help get a job in the industry are ... Microsoft Excel and email. Most of the time you are going to be coordinating assets and communicating with other people, so it's highly important that you know your way around a spreadsheet, and can organize your inbox and send/receive files and then know where they are.So if you can pwn in Excel as well as you do in Gears of War, then you're well on your way.

  • DS Daily: Making a career of it

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    While browsing the Engadget GDC gallery, we noticed the above image and thought: what a great opening for a Friday morning. So many gamers dream of working in the gaming industry, and for so many different reasons. Some people are truly inspired to work on or with games in some capacity, and some just want a job that they feel they could truly enjoy. We could go on, but we want to ask ... is it (or was it) a dream of yours to work in the gaming industry? Really? Or is it something that's just a casual daydream? We're curious about just how dedicated you are to the gaming world. And if you answered no to the above, what is it about the industry that you don't find tempting?