

  • Celebrity Nerds: Anne Hathaway's getting a Palm Pre

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Celebrity Nerds confirms what you always knew, deep in your heart of hearts: that stars are nerds like us. Send in your own confirmations of this fact right here. We knew there was a good reason for keeping that US Weekly subscription around... besides awesome celebrity news, what do we have here? Hey! That's the Palm Pre being offered up in a swag giveaway for nominees attending IFC's Independent Spirit Awards. The ceremony is being held on February 21st, but, as the ad says, Anne Hathaway's Pre will be available "by July."

  • Celebrity Nerds: Ashton Kutcher jailbreaks his iPhone, fends off paps

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Celebrity Nerds confirms what you always knew, deep in your heart of hearts: that stars are nerds like us. Send in your own confirmations of this fact right here. Ashton's just this guy, you know? He and his salt-of-the-earth wife Demi like to dodge the paparazzi at the airport, and on occasion he'll take that painstakingly jailbroken iPhone 3G of his and turn the tables on their stalkers -- he even upped the video to Qik, just in case you were wondering what other people just like you get up to in their free time. Read - TMZ's flattering coverage of Ashton and fam Read - Ashton's Qik video of the incident

  • Should game designers get celebritized?

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Quick, name ten famous game designers. OK, now name ten famous movie directors. Which list took you longer? Even if you're a serious gamer, the list of movie directors probably came out quicker. Patrick Dugan helps explain why in an excellent post on the small but growing phenomenon of the celebrity game designer.While movie studios often sell a movie as the singular vision of a single auteur, games or more often sold as products than statements. With games, "it was far simpler to associate that content with a genre, or better yet, a franchise brand, than it was to associate it with a personality," as Dugan puts it.Perhaps this is for the best. After all, most modern games are produced by a large group of people, not just a celebrity designer that can serve as a public face for the project. Even this is changing, though, with high profile, independent projects like flOw and Super Columbine Massacre RPG being closely associated with a single designer (Jenova Chen and Danny Ledonne, respectively). In an internet world where anyone can easily make and distribute a game, literally anyone can be a celebrity designer.Personally, we just hope this growing trend of attention for the people behind the games doesn't grow into outright celebrity worship. The line between respect for a designer's vision and Us Weekly style obsession with everything they do isn't as thick as you might think.[Via Raph]