

  • Guild Wars 2's character creator brings celebrities to Tyria

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    One of the things we failed to tell you about Guild Wars 2's character creator is just how flexible it can be in allowing players to fine-tune their avatar's face. For one particular beta tester, the tools provided seemed like the perfect opportunity to see if famous celebrities could be recreated. Lo and behold, they could. In under three minutes, this player whisks us through pages of sliders, hairstyles, and facial details to create Guild Wars 2 lookalikes of Liam Neeson, Clint Eastwood, Megan Fox, and Scarlett Johansson. Apart from its value as amusement, the video highlights the range of looks and styles that the character creator can be coaxed into generating. Check it out after the break and see just how uncanny these avatars ended up being compared to the real deal!

  • Palm Pre handled, handed out to celebrities?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    There seems to be no shortage of chatter about celebrities and their new Palm handsets today. We already knew that stars attending the Independent Spirit Awards would be getting a swag bag containing -- among other things -- a Palm Pre, and based on the coverage we're seeing from the event (held on the 21st), they at least got to handle them. It's actually difficult to say if Palm was giving the device out that night or putting people on a waiting list, but what it does make clear is that the Pre can't be too far from launch if the company felt comfortable enough to throw them into such an uncontrolled setting. Does this mean the release date is nearer than we think, or is Palm just hoping that a little of that star power rubs off on the phone? Either way, we're super jealous of Eliza Dushku.Update: According to a Tweet from Palm (which links this post -- meta!), these were just there to be played with, not handed out.[Thanks, Marques]

  • Some celebrities shying away from HD cameras

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's all but unanimous that sports programming looks entirely more appealing in high definition than in SD, but for folks on the other side of the cameras, adding all that detail can be intimidating, if not embarrassing. While the "grain structure of film allows for a softness" that lends a hand in covering up the not-so-attractive signs of aging, HD cameras tend to capture that raw, unassailable truth that some celebrities are less than fond of. Diane Sawyer, the 61-year old host of ABC's Good Morning America, reportedly acknowledged that the puffiness under her eyes could no long be covered up, as viewers looking on in HD "could see every flaw." To combat the newfangled "problem" posed to many on-camera stars, makeup firms are devising new "airbrushing" techniques to add glamor and remove blemishes without looking like a shot of Botox gone horribly awry. Interestingly, reports indicated that viewers tended to enjoy the rough, disclosing look on men, but would rather see dames looking their best through those pixel-packed lenses. Nevertheless, HD cameras are making flaws more and more noticeable, and apparently causing quite the ruckus from overly concerned celebrities all the same, but hey, that's the price you pay for being in the (1080i) limelight.