cesar millan


  • Mario Anzuoni / Reuters

    'The Dog Whisperer' curated an audiobook collection for your pup

    Swapna Krishna
    Swapna Krishna

    Have you ever been listening to an audiobook and thought, "I love this, but I wish they had more offerings for dogs"? If so, you might be the only person, but Cesar Millan still wants to help you. The dog whisperer is teaming up with Audible to launch an audiobook service directed at your furry canine companion.

  • Bury the Shovelware: Cesar Millan's Dog Whisperer

    Kaes Delgrego
    Kaes Delgrego

    You know, I usually have a fairly decent idea of where most of these shovelware titles are going. That's not to say that I haven't been disappointed or pleasantly surprised before, but judging a book by its cover is often appropriate with shovelware. Yet I honestly have no clue what this game will have me do. Is it a Nintendogs clone? Will I be tapping dogs on the neck in a tap-happy minigame? Will I have to make that "tchsszzt" noise into the DS's microphone? Let's find out. Pedigree One word: UBISOFT. That's correct; the "not-a-bad-company-per-se-but-still-known-for-creating-copious-amounts-of-shovelware" gaming bigwig both developed and published this title.