

  • The Nexus Telegraph: The basics of crafting a WildStar build

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There are few things I love so much as writing a column for June 30th only to find out on the 30th that the patch I'm discussing is going live on July 1st. You know, when it's too late to change anything. I really would have been happy to have found that out before the day. But, hey, WildStar's first patch came out, and now I've had a couple of weeks to explore it a bit. Am I happy with it? Sufficiently, yes, although I haven't yet digested it in full. For one month out from launch, I can't complain much. Of course, that's not the first thing that I want to talk about today. I want to talk about builds. Rather than giving you the absolute best-of-the-best builds for tanking and DPS and so forth, which I can't quite do, I want to help you figure out how to make a build that works. It's a satisfyingly interactive, and there are lots of very functional options however you choose to build your character.

  • Star Trek Online launches Season 9: A New Accord

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's been a long while since Star Trek Online captains had to fear the Undine. This mysterious race has moved off of the radar as the Federation and KDF have explored the Solanae Dyson Sphere, fought back against the Borg and the Tholians, and sought allies upon New Romulus. But the latest patch for the game sees the Undine stepping up their campaign of aggression from fluidic space, sending players through a new series of featured episodes, introducing a new reputation, and offering several new endgame activities. Season 9 also brings with it a number of other changes, including a revamp to how both kits and reputations work. Both systems are now more flexible, with the former allowing captains more control over which abilities show up on the ground and the latter providing more player choice over the long term. Take a look at the full list of additions and get ready to set a course for new dangers in this update.

  • Age of Wushu updates with World of Contenders

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    You could have been a contender. Wait, that's not right -- you could currently be a contender. You could be contending right now. After all, Age of Wushu's latest update is specifically titled "World of Contenders," odds are good that you could be one heck of a contender. So get in there and contend! Yes, the latest major update for the game is live, and it offers a lot of ways for players to contend with one another, most notably the Dragon and Tiger Tournament featuring a series of one-on-one duels in large arenas. You can also take part in the weekly battles between schools added with the School Rivalry system. Not really up for contention? There's still plenty to access with the addition of the fourth Internal skill and a new set of skills exclusive to married couples. Get patched up and get ready to contend just as much as you'd like, as it seems Snail Games is indeed looking out for you.

  • Age of Wushu teases the features of its next major update

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The next big patch for Age of Wushu is due out next month, which should be reason enough for players to be excited about it. But it's hard to get excited about an update with no idea what's in it. So it's a good thing that the official site has posted a small preview detailing the coming update, a patch that will give players even more reason to engage in epic duels of martial arts. For example, there's the new Dragon and Tiger Tournament, a series of one-on-one duels in which both combatants must fight without use of tricks like Hidden Weapon Skills and Ancient Manuals, with winners receiving manuals, skills, and pills. Or there's the chance for assassins to engage practitioners of Peerless Skills; successful defense is required for the practitioner to keep studying, while assassins who slay the practitioner will be rewarded handsomely. Throw in a fourth Internal Skill and new School Lessons, and there's plenty for players to be excited about when the patch goes live in February.

  • The Mog Log Extra: Cross-class skills in Final Fantasy XIV

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    A little over a year ago, I talked about all of the really stand-out cross-class skills in Final Fantasy XIV. Astute readers will note that some of the abilities I reference in that article no longer exist, and several of them have completely different effects now. It's almost as if the game has completely relaunched or something. It's crazy. This might not sound like a big deal, but it is because cross-class skills are one of the big aspects of character customization in the game. You level up as an Archer with the expectation that you'll pick up a few more skills along the way to augment your strengths. So which ones are worth picking up? As of the last beta weekend, there are a lot of skills available, and I went through everything as best I could to try to pick out what's available. So now you can plan out your leveling in advance and know just what you want for those 10 extra slots in your class.

  • You have questions about The Elder Scrolls Online, the development team has answers

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Prospective players have a lot of questions about The Elder Scrolls Online. What will I need to do to be a tank? How will I heal other people? Will I be carrying around every wheel of goat cheese in the world for no reason? The development team has sat down and answered a variety of player questions in a new feature addressing several assorted topics. Players interested in tanking will be happy to know that while you will generally want to be in heavy armor, a properly designed character should be able to last for quite some time in light armor. Those who prefer playing a pure role will also be happy to note that while the developers have harped on hybridization a bit, being a "pure" role will be perfectly viable and possible. And lore fans will be happy to see a variety of lore questions answered, especially concerning organizations and races that are important in later games but aren't necessarily around in The Elder Scrolls Online. So odds are good that when you read through the answers, you'll be happy.

  • Massively Exclusive: An in-depth look at Final Fantasy XI's new jobs

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    This year isn't quite as exciting for Final Fantasy XI as it is for Final Fantasy XIV, but it's still bringing a pretty big change to the status quo. Players have had years to get used to the game as it is, but now Seekers of Adoulin is on its way to completely rewrite matters, giving us two new jobs as well as a new region and new mechanics to deal with. In other words, it's going to be shaking things up. So while I was out in San Francisco enjoying all that Final Fantasy XIV has to offer, I also had a chance to look into Final Fantasy XI's new expansion, specifically the new player jobs. Both the Rune Fencer and the Geomancer are bringing something new to the game, and while I didn't get to play around with either job extensively, I did get to see how both will play and check out their key abilities.

  • RuneScape announces launch date for Evolution of Combat patch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Fans of violence in RuneScape have something to cheer about today as the release date has finally been announced for the game's massive overhaul of the combat mechanics. On November 20th, the patch goes live after five months of active testing and rebalancing based on feedback. And it's got far-reaching implications for the game as a whole -- by improving the game's combat mechanics and battle environments, the developers can introduce content that wouldn't have worked under the old system. So what can players expect? Abilities are replacing the special attacks found on weapons with several new options for battle, and a new resource (Adrenaline) will go into activating your more powerful combat skills. Characters will also be able to make full use of both hands via dual-wielding, offering more aggressive options as well as more equipment options for mages. The announcement also promises a livestream this weekend to help players learn about and understand the changes before they go live in a couple weeks. [Thanks to Andrew for the tip!]

  • The Daily Grind: What would your role trinity look like?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The trinity of MMO roles is pretty well understood by a lot of players. The tanks hold enemy attention, the healers keep the tanks alive, and the DPS kills the enemies before the healers get overwhelmed. It's a functional system, one that's been used for years. It's also one that many people have decried as being stagnant and overused, resulting in Guild Wars 2 discarding the existing roles and replacing them with an entirely different setup, focused instead on damage, support, and control. But maybe you feel that there's a better way to split up roles. Maybe you think healers are outmoded but the rest of the trinity can stay, or that tanks, DPS, and control would be more interesting to play. Or perhaps you'd like to see DPS go the way of the dinosaur along with healers. If you had the opportunity to design your game of choice, what sort of trinity would you design? Or would you stick with the old standby? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • DC Universe Online unveils revamps for existing powers

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    One of the rules of MMO design is that the game is never really done. Designers can still make extensive tweaks and changes to abilities even well after launch. DC Universe Online's revamps of the Mental and Gadgets sets are a case in point. According to system designer Jesse Scott in a recent update on the revamps, these two sets both had several options that felt redundant and fewer unique abilities, so the design team has gone back to the sets improve overall utility and provide more interesting choices. Mental's core issue was a serious weakness in the Illusions tree, which was addressed by ensuring that more powers in the tree can do damage without relying on fragile interactions. Gadgets, meanwhile, had far too many powers that were doing essentially the same thing. Some powers have been rolled together, new powers have been added, and a few have been changed in form but not in function to address thematic concerns. Even if you've never been fond of these powersets before, the updates might be enough to pique your interest after all.

  • The Daily Grind: Should games offer a midpoint between pre-made builds and completely free builds?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There are a lot of different ways you can put together a character in certain games. The Secret World offers players a huge number of different options by virtue of its skill wheel, RIFT gives players several souls to choose between, and Champions Online lets you cherry-pick from a huge pool of powers. Most of these games also offer you some pre-made builds to give you a sense of how the game is supposed to work, something to start you down the path of making your own build. Unfortunately, as soon as you decide to step off the pre-made train, these games throw up their hands and declare that you're entirely on your own. There are no suggestions based on what you've picked thus far, it's either fully pre-made or fully freeform. Should these games offer something in the middle so that you can have some extra guidance if you want it? Or should they let you live or die by your decisions if you decide you want to go off the rails anyway? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Too many choices

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    We've gotten a lot of new powersets in City of Heroes ever since the game went free-to-play. This is something that I've talked about before: There's rather uncomfortable cycle during which a new set is released full of bugs, but it gets played for a month before the next set comes out and you stop thinking about the old one. And that's definitely a potential problem, but with the release of the new Water Blast set, I'm thinking that there's a much more coherent one in mind. Specifically, I'm thinking for the first time that maybe there's something to the old issue of being locked into a power set after character creation. Don't get me wrong -- I don't think Water Blast is overpowered or underpowered. It actually looks like it makes better use of a new mechanic than did the last big ranged set. But we now have an absolute surfeit of options for playing a Blaster, and as the game gets more and more endgame-heavy, I'm starting to wonder how long it will be before players get tired. We're seeing a different sort of power creep here: We just have too many choices for a new character.

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Be the nemesis

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    I have a nemesis, but it's not a person. It's an idea, and that idea is optimization. Given enough time (about seven minutes), people will figure out the best builds and abilities for pretty much every single character class in any game. This is great if all you're interested in doing is banging out the best possible character to tackle endgame challenges, but it's kind of disappointing if you like creating odd characters, ones that play strangely or feature under-utilized abilities or specs. That's the sort of stuff that I like, the things I find fascinating. City of Heroes is hardly the first game to do this, so I've had plenty of time to learn how to fight my nemesis. And so I offer you today the lessons of nemeses, the path to figuring out how to make your bad character into a force to be reckoned with. There are certain rules to being a nemesis rather than simply an adversary, and some of them aren't what you think.

  • Ground skill revamp previewed for Star Trek Online

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As part of the latest major patch, Star Trek Online is giving its skill system a massive overhaul, designed to make the skill functions more transparent and encourage a bit more variety in skill setups. The space skill revisions have already been previewed, but the ground skills have only just seen the light of day in the latest entry of the Path to F2P blog series. In some ways, the revisions are much smaller than those made to space combat; in other ways, the changes are bigger. Ground skills now have two skill tracks -- one set of skills that's shared among all characters and one that's unique for each career. The shared line of skills provides straight buffs to general abilities, such as damage and shield values, while the unique line of five skills buffs career-specific abilities such as pets for Engineers, healing for Science, and buffs for Tactical. Players should peruse the full list of updates to get a sense of what ground skills will look like after the change -- they're simpler, but there's still a great deal of room for differentiation.

  • The Daily Grind: How versatile do you like your characters?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Breadth of utility is one of those concepts that rarely gets brought up in MMO discussions, but we still think about it. In some games, such as City of Heroes, most of the individual character archetypes are pretty one-note -- for all the customization you can give him, your Blaster is still fundamentally capable of only one task (dealing mostly ranged damage). But we also have games such as Champions Online, in which you can build one character to do almost everything at the cost of pretty much taking the same powers as everyone else. Some players want to go with the Final Fantasy XI approach, creating one character who can learn to do pretty much everything in the game, given enough time. Others prefer a more focused approach a la World of Warcraft, a game in which a character does one thing and specializes in it heavily. What do you feel? How diverse do you want each individual character's ability pool to be, and are you willing to give up some flexibility if it means more unique skills for your particular focus? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • The Daily Grind: Out of all your characters, who's the favorite?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Play MMOs long enough and you'll amass your own little army of characters. Some details might be the same from game to game, even if you're not much of a roleplayer, but there's no doubt a vast difference in capability and what abilities are even available to a given player. Sure, you can have a similar-looking elf in both World of Warcraft and RIFT, but odds are good that the two will play completely differently. Maybe you only have a couple of games in your history and you're immune to the urge of making dozens of alts, or perhaps you've got a hundred characters spread over dozens of games. Whatever the case, there are no doubt one or two names that stand out in the list. So who's your favorite character out of the ones you've played? Is it a character that stands out due to class abilities, roleplaying, or some other sentimental connection? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • The Daily Grind: What's your favorite combat ability in any game?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    You may not like the fact that combat is a consistent part of most MMOs, but it remains a truism. And in a way, it's better like that, because it means we get a much wider array of spectacular combat abilities to choose from. From Ultima Online onward, players have been able to unleash a variety of devastating and frequently impractical attacks against harmful enemies, until they're essentially leveling thermonuclear warheads at an average forest squirrel. City of Heroes allows you to rip opponents through a wormhole. Final Fantasy XIV lets you incinerate land and earth around your target. Guild Wars lets you unleash a series of cuts too fast for the eye to follow. Out of all the destructive and sometimes ridiculous skills you've seen in MMOs, what qualifies as your absolute favorites? Are they abilities with impractical uses but a lot of flair behind them or solid workhorse abilities that might not look as spectacular but work like a charm? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • The Mog Log: Answering unasked questions

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Sometimes, you wind up with what amounts to a perfect case of convergence. After a busy and stressful week, there's nothing I'd like more than to have an opportunity to relax with an enjoyable game -- and gee, Final Fantasy XIV came out on Wednesday. Seeing the release means a lot to me for a variety of reasons, but the most immediate reason is it means I have something to do from the moment I wake up Saturday to the moment I go to sleep Sunday. I couldn't be happier about that. Of course, a certain amount of confusion is going to go hand-in-hand with that, so I'm slightly cheating on our regular format, helped by the fact that this month has been a little light on normal questions. The last Saturday of the month always covers questions and answers... but this month, I'm going to be covering the questions that come up most frequently while playing Final Fantasy XIV that don't fall under any of our prior articles on the game. So yes, it's another week without much Final Fantasy XI love. I beg your forgiveness, but I will stay the course.