

  • Premade beta toons available again -- for real

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    After the false alarm a few days ago, premade characters are available for copy to the US Wrath beta PvP realm Murmur. (Apparently, the realm was called "Murmer" up until a few hours ago. I guess Blizzard decided on a last minute spell check.) I have firsthand knowledge that the character copy now works because I copied three toons this morning and less than two hours later they are now playable. If you have a beta key and you want to play on the PvP server, keep in mind a few things: You can only choose all Horde or all Alliance toons because it's a PvP server. You can copy up to three level 80 characters, stacked with top-notch PvP gear. This server is designed to test Wintergrasp. Other PvE areas like Azeroth and Outland may not be available for play on this server. If you like Night Elves, you're stuck playing a Druid. Dwarves, on the other hand, get a choice of three classes (Hunter, Priest, or Warrior). Every other race gets two classes each. Right now the wait time is only a couple of hours. It will get longer as more people copy toons. So go over there ASAP. Commenters have (sad to say, rightly) accused me of a US bias in my posts so I did some extra research on the this topic for our EU readers. The EU servers do not have premade templates available because -- at the moment, at least -- there is no Murmur-equivalent beta realm available to them. Sorry, folks. We'll keep you posted if that changes.