

  • Frogster sends Save the Children 82,000€ check

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    While Frogster Interactive, as a company, has been dealing with some rough times of late, the players of both Runes of Magic and Bounty Bay Online have opened up their hearts -- and their wallets -- to do some good. Recently, players in both games have had the option to pick up certain special mounts and ship covers to help fund the Save the Children initiative in Bhutan. Frogster kept a small portion of proceeds from the item sales to cover VAT and basic administration costs, while Runewaker waived its share of all profits from those items. While previous fundraising in Frogster's free-to-play games has always been met with great success, this year players more than doubled last year's 40,000€ raised for Save the Children by raising 82,000€! This year's initiative was to assist the families in Bhutan, a small landlocked country in the Himalayas sandwiched between India and China that is home to a burgeoning Democratic government. Due to the major cultural shifts occurring in the country, children are inundated with information via internet and cable TV while their parents are unable to read and write -- let alone navigate the newfound technological morass they find themselves thrust into. Save the Children seeks to build schools for the children as well as help Bhutani families navigate the influx of new technology, all while preserving the country's cultural heritage for future generations. According to a press release, Kathrin Wieland, Executive Director of Save the Children Germany e.V., was surprised and delighted at the great generosity of the gamers: "I am very happy about the engagement of Frogster and its players, which allows us to clear a path for these children to a positive future." We certainly wish Save the Children the very best of luck with the hard work ahead and applaud Frogster and Runewaker as well as the giving players of Runes of Magic and Bounty Bay Online who have made that work possible.

  • Real World Heroes gives titles for charity in City of Heroes

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's trite and cliche, but also true -- the holidays are the optimal time to stop and remember that there are people less fortunate than you in the world. Charity drives step up in frequency and everyone looks for the spirit of the holiday, of giving gifts out of kindness and hope that others can share in your good fortune. That being said, it can help give an incentive for everyone if there's something more to be had than simply the warm fuzzy feeling. Real World Hero, a player-run charity drive, has teamed up with the community team in City of Heroes to provide a little extra incentive for players of the game to step up and do something super. Running between November 30th and December 24th, players who include their character information when they donate will be eligible for a limited-time special gold title for their character, marking them as a generous soul. The event is not being officially sponsored by the company, but the support is certainly added incentive to take part. With Operation Gratitude, Donate Games, and the ever-popular Child's Play as the designated recipients, it's a good time for City of Heroes players to be a bit more heroic in their day-to-day lives and be known for it in-game to boot.

  • Azeroth United announces Hearts, Hands and Voices charity drive

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our good friends over at Azeroth United have announced their charity drive for the year, and while it's still getting underway, you can now head over and start giving donations, of either money or items to be offered as prizes for sponsorships. The drive doesn't officially start until November 1st, but especially if you have a site that has WoW-related items or services to offer, AU could use your help putting together gifts for people who donate. Additionally, they've put together mp3 promos of various AU members, so if you have a podcast in the community or any other audio outlet, you can run promotions of your own to help out the cause.Said cause is an excellent one, of course: they're aiming to get at least $5,000 to donate to Child's Play, the charity started by the Penny Arcade folks that helps get video games together for children in hospital. The drive, we're told, will run through December 13th, so they've got a long way to go, but right now they're working hard at getting sponsor items together and getting the community revved up for the event. Stay tuned for more -- this seems like an excellent opportunity for the Warcraft community to do good and help out the world outside of Azeroth.

  • Last week to join Mend Pet's SPCA charity drive

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The last time we posted about Brajana and her SPCA charity drive over on Mend Pet, she'd only just started it and was revving up to get a nice list of prizes going. Nowadays, she's got a great list of prizes (including a free FigurePets set, a few good loot cards, some custom-made character artwork, and even a custom-designed UI -- you can make yours look just like Turpster's if you want), and she's rolling into the last few days of the drive. It all ends on Friday, July 31st, so if you haven't gotten your donation in to the SPCA International yet (the money will go to volunteer programs, including animal shelters all of the world, and help out with food, shelter, and vaccination costs), do so right away. And make sure to follow the instructions on Brajana's site -- for every donation you make, no matter how big or small, you'll get two chances to pick up some of that great loot, and you'll be helping out real-life pets all over the world.It's a great way to help out a worthy cause, give some back to the Warcraft community and the hard work that bloggers like Brajana do, and maybe even win some free stuff. Remember, she's asking for your donation before Friday, July 31st, so head over there and get it in as soon as possible.