

  • Overheard@GDC: Homefront devs 'put a baby in a dumpster' (and then took it out)

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Kaos Studios' Homefront has gone "gold" and is under two weeks away from being released. We found out yesterday afternoon about one scenario that didn't make the cut: protecting a dumpster ... with a baby in it. Lead single-player designer Chris Cross (real name!) related a story about the team's process of involving civilian presence in the game. Cross said his team wanted to "make it relevant without making it cheap." As it turns out, relevant became a little crazy -- at least initially. "We went through all kinds of crazy crap! We put a baby in a dumpster and were using that as a bullet shield," Cross explained, heartily laughing. "We were trying a bunch of very strange ideas." We'll be doggedly exploring every dumpster we find in Homefront in search of secret (baby) easter eggs when the game ships on March 15.

  • Former Medal of Honor designer forms mobile development studio

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Chris Cross*, a 16-year gaming industry veteran who worked as game design director for the Medal of Honor series, is branching off into the increasingly popular mobile gaming sector. He recently unveiled Tarver Games, a dev studio co-founded by Cross which will focus on creating new IPs for the iPhone, as the studio attempts to break into larger gaming markets. The first endeavor from Tarver, an iPhone title called Cold War, is available now. Tarver's first "flagship IP," a Google Maps-infused FPS titled Ghosts Attack (pictured above) is due out later this month. For more info on Tarver's big plans, check out this Industry Gamers interview with Cross. * (Now, see, there were a lot of directions we could've gone with this post based solely on the guy's name. "Chris Cross is opening a mobile gaming studio, and plans to make you jump, jump." We could've easily committed that line of text to this blog, but we didn't, because we're grown ups. "Chris Cross' studio is based out of Santa Monica, where he frequently enjoys sailing." A bit more obscure, but beneath us nonetheless. We're proud of how we handled this story, and we expect you are as well.)