

  • Warlords of Draenor: Change your guards with exalted reputation

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Ever since the means to actually grind reputations all the way to exalted was implemented in vanilla, I've always wished there was more to them. Certainly as later reputations were added with each additional expansion to the game, we got all kinds of amazing rewards. Yet our reputations within our own alliances netted us very little. I could be a human and exalted with Darnassus, but all that would do is unlock access to the mounts that the night elves rode around on. Other rewards were added later in the game, but nothing particularly striking. A fascinating post over on Reddit pointed out something very interesting coming up in Warlords of Draenor, however -- it seems those old vanilla reputations are getting a little more use in the next expansion. Along with being able to choose what buildings you place in your garrision, you can also choose which guards you'd like to have patrol your Draenor fortress ... provided you have the reputation to do so. After seeing the post, I had to go check it out myself on beta and see how it worked.

  • Remixing an Orgrimmar Guard transmogrification

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    Two weeks ago, we took the Stormwind Guard on a shopping trip and got them a whole new wardrobe. This week, we're giving the Orgrimmar Guard the same treatment and then stopping at Gallywix Pleasure Palace on the way back for mai tais. When I first started planning a new look for the Orgrimmar Guard, I thought I'd look to Garrosh Hellscream for inspiration. Both his outfits in Wrath of the Lich King at Warsong Hold and now in Cataclysm as the new warchief show off a darker look to the Horde that I wanted to capture. Walking through the streets of Orgrimmar these days, you see a city that has become more militaristic and uniform, and the old guard outfit doesn't quite fit in anymore. Even the Horde banners are a darker red than they once were, which doesn't match the red shoulders and accents of the old guards.