

  • Devjuice: Installing command line tools (or not)

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Oliver Drobnik over at Cocoanetics has posted another really great how-to write-up, this time about Xcode and command-line tools. He shows you how to access apps from inside the Xcode bundle by using xcrun, and how to set your default Xcode install (via xcode-select). That's especially useful in these days of beta-versus-production Xcode releases. It's a handy little write-up, very worth checking out.

  • Cocoanetics zapruders the WWDC banner

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Oliver Drobnik at Cocoanetics has beautifully zaprudered this year's WWDC banner, finding app icons from Path, Star Walk, Instagram, Foursquare, and more (by "more" I mean exhaustively more). He notes that social networks have a place of prominence, as do maps and productivity with a strong emphasis on iOS. I love this sort of fun analysis. If you do too, go read the whole thing. If not, look, squirrel!