

  • Comic Zeal 4 for the iPad previewed

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've mentioned Comic Zeal on the site here before -- it's an iPhone app that allows you to read comic book .cbr files on your iPhone. Of course, it's exactly the kind of app that you'd hope to bring itself right on over to the iPad, and that's exactly what developer Bitolithic has done -- they're provided an excellent preview of the Comic Zeal iPad app over on their blog. It looks great -- there's a full-screen view, of course, but the navigation has been tweaked, and there's no real separation any more between selecting a book and seeing it. While the iPhone's smaller screen meant they had to compartmentalize those two functions, the bigger iPad screen means they can just put a pop-up in and do the whole thing all together. Also interesting to note is that they've placed controls at the top of the screen rather than at the bottom -- they say that when the iPad is sitting in your lap, it's awkward to hit buttons at the bottom as you usually do on the iPhone. And this version will be called Comic Zeal 4, not Comic Zeal iPad or HD, because eventually most of the features in this version will find their way back to the iPhone version as well. Comic Zeal looks like a great comic reading solution on the iPad, and it's awesome to finally see some apps.