

  • Preparing for BlizzCon: Protect yourself against Con Crud

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    BlizzCon approaches! Preparing for BlizzCon is your regular source for tips on how best to prepare for Blizzard's gaming extravaganza.Every con I have ever been to, gaming-related or otherwise, has resulted in a bunch of people getting sick afterward -- usually including me. I've heard it called Con Crud, confluenza and the grunge. Whatever the name, it's pretty much the same: cold and flu symptoms that lay you low after attending a convention. As we've discussed before, I'm no doctor, but there are some experts out there with tips on building your immune system in the weeks before BlizzCon. Sleep: Get 7 to 8 hours a night. Sufficient sleep helps us reduce stress on our bodies, which makes them stronger for fighting illnesses. It also helps us maintain a healthy weight. Late night raiding sessions and/or small children make this more difficult, of course, but it's a worthy goal.