

  • PvP Gear: The Season 14 fiasco explained

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Another PvP season, another set of gear-related issues. It was no surprise that the conquest vendors were despawned shortly after season 14 began, the same happened for season 13 after all, but it turns out that their return may have been more than a little premature. As Blizzard Community Manager Lore explains, the initial removal of the vendors was really just the start of an ongoing comedy of errors that is, as yet, not completely resolved. Lore's full post is after the break, but let's sum up the key issues here. At the start of Season 14, a small number of players had a conquest cap of 28,000 instead of 2,200. This was due to some issues with the catch-up cap rolling over from season 13. Conquest vendors were removed while the error was fixed. Conquest vendors were reintroduced, but it turns out the error was never fixed, because it transpires that realms should have been restarted. Conquest caps remained far too high. Players were able to purchase gear they shouldn't have been able to get, and some even got the Grievous Conquest achievement, allowing them to purchase conquest gear with honor. Blizzard's team is working hard to fix the issues, starting with the correction of caps from 28,000 down to 2,200. They've also pulled the vendors selling conquest gear for honor, and made the Grievous Conquest weapons unavailable. Unfortunately, as it's a far harder issue to fix, removing the extra gear from people who shouldn't have it is going to take a lot longer.

  • Pandaria to eschew capital cities for scattered vendors, separate faction hubs

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    In today's Mists of Pandaria Live Developer QA, a player asked whether we'd see a Dalaran-like capital city on the new continent of Pandaria. Cory Stockton's answer reveals a surprising amount about the new Pandaria paradigm of exploration.