

  • Lifting the beta curtain: Larry's hands-on with SWTOR's beta

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Many of my friends in gaming media have speculated as to why BioWare has allowed some media outlets to report on the heavily veiled Star Wars: The Old Republic beta, but frankly, I don't care. It doesn't matter to me that BlizzCon happens to be tomorrow or that there is a possible connection between the start of that event and the lift of this embargo. All I really care about is that I can finally tell you about actual gameplay for this new Star Wars MMO that I've been personally following for over three years now. However, it will be extremely difficult to contain all my experience of SWTOR within the confines of this one article. However, I will do my darnedest. Over the past couple of weeks, BioWare allowed us access to the Republic side of this highly anticipated MMO and pretty much set us free. We can report on nearly every gameplay aspect within the first two planets. Two weeks -- that's enough time for me to run more than one class! And that's exactly what I did. Originally, I wanted to run through two classes that weren't going to affect me much when the game goes live. I accomplished this goal with the Jedi Consular. However, when I started to play the Smuggler class, I just could not stop. I was completely engaged in the story. Jump past the break and I'll tell you all about that -- and more.

  • BioWare releases more SWTOR companion info

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    "Go for the eyes, Boo!" Er, sorry, wrong BioWare RPG. You'll have to forgive us, though, as the firm's latest dev blog references dear old Minsc in the very first sentence. Yep, it's another treatise on companions in Star Wars The Old Republic, and this time senior game designer William Wallace (really) treats us to a lengthy entry explaining a bit about companion customization and combat. The latter presentation takes the form of a few short videos showing off the fighting prowess of one Corso Riggs, a heavily armored blaster specialist who functions as one of the Smuggler class companions. Head to the official SWTOR website for all the goods.