

  • Mama Mia! Majesco cooks up $2.1 million fiscal-year loss

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Majesco Entertainment ended its last fiscal year (on October 31, 2010) with a $2.1 million loss -- which is better than the $6.6 million it flambéed the previous fiscal year. The financially troubled publisher is pinning its hopes in the new fiscal year (which began Nov. 1) on Crafting Mama, Babysitting Mama and Zumba Fitness, which has already sold a half-million units since its mid-November release. Majesco has also planted one of those money-growing trees: a Facebook game, Friends Cafe. With its focus on mass-market appeal, Majesco could well bake up some profits this fiscal year. We'll keep watch over its shoulder, though, mindful to leave a clear path to the fire extinguisher in case the money continues to burn.

  • Majesco cooks up Crafting Mama for DS

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Almost a year ago, a trademark for "Crafting Mama" was spotted. It's now being put to use, as Majesco has announced, well, Crafting Mama for DS. In her latest endeavor, Mama will occupy her seemingly endless time with a new task: arts & crafts. In a series of 40 projects, players will create things like birdhouses, quilts, kaleidoscopes and adorable new aprons for Mama to wear, as well as Mama dolls. Of course, these creations will all be realized through the familiar touch-based minigames, played alone and in multiplayer, which so many of us have grown to love in the utterly populous Cooking Mama game franchise. It's kind of crazy that a company can announce a game about making quilts and birdhouses, and we can already pretty much imagine how to play it! Majesco plans a fall 2010 release for Crafting Mama, but we suspect the publisher is at least considering bumping that up a bit.

  • Cooking Mama developer trademarks 'Crafting Mama'

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The surprisingly popular Cooking Mama series branches out this month with Gardening Mama, and it seems developer Cooking Mama Ltd. has more planned. The company just trademarked Crafting Mama for use with almost anything game-related.This trademark doesn't guarantee a new game, but certainly suggests that one is in the works. Cooking Mama Ltd. will seemingly not be satisfied until every domestic activity is playable as a stylus (or remote, or finger) controlled minigame under the watchful eye of a friendly virtual Japanese lady. We're on board -- right up until Giving the Cat a Bath Mama.[Via Kotaku]