

  • Disney introduces new 'Cranky's Story' levels for Where's My Water

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Disney has released the very first new content pack for the extremely popular Where's My Water, "Cranky's Story." It features 40 new levels for the price of 99 cents. Instead of guiding clean water to a shower head as you did in the original game, this update has you direct dirty water to Cranky's plate so he can eat his "junk food." Where's My Water is a breakthrough title for Disney. Not only has it been phenomenally popular on iOS, but the game's also been released on other mobile platforms, and the free web version appeared in a campaign about clean drinking water. Disney is currently working on animated media about the game's characters, so this has turned into a pretty substantial franchise for the House of Mouse. This update raises the game's profile and demonstrates Disney's investment in iOS and this property. Fans of the game should find the update in the App Store now.