

  • Culdcept's card art, release date exhibited

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Sega just announced the Japanese release date for Omiya Soft's DS iteration of their card-battle series Culdcept DS: October 16, for 5,040 yen ($47). Fans of, uh, looking at Culdcept who happen to be located in Japan can build even more anticipation for the game on August 9 and 10, when a special exhibition of card art from the series will take place.For those two days, the UDX Gallery in Akihabara will host the Culdcept Card Art Exhibition, a free event celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the series. The free event should prove popular among people used to staring at tiny images of the cards, who wish to experience the novelty of staring at really big versions of them.

  • WRUP: Find the logos edition

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Friday once again, which means it's time for us to ask What aRe yoU Playing in the wide world of MMOs. There's a lot of games out there, but you can only put your time into a few-- which ones did you choose?Our own lead blogger Krystalle Voecks is headed to not one, not two, but three raids in World of Warcraft (epics!), and she also says that PotBS is getting some more playtime (when she's not playing Rock Band with the family, that is). Sam Axon is in the middle of an EVE trial-- he hasn't played it much yet, but he's decided that he'll give it more of a try and see what it's like. And me, I've got a friend who's inviting me into a Tabula Rasa trial, so I may pick that up again, even though the beta didn't quite vibe with me. Oh, and outside of MMOs, I'm going to be nerding it up with Culdcept Saga this weekend too-- great game.So what are you playing this weekend? Leave a comment on this post and let us know what you're up to in the MMO game lately.Previously on WRUP...

  • Famitsu deals out Culdcept scans and info

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Almost a month since Sega announced it'll be publishing a Nintendo DS version of OmiyaSoft's Culdcept Expansion, Famitsu has revealed the first screenshots and details for the CCG/boardgame hybrid. Far from a straight port, all of Culdcept Expansion's cards have been reviewed for balance, and every returning character has been redrawn. Culdcept DS will also receive new cards (now over 370 in total), Cepter symbols, and an achievement system. Since this will be the first portable version of the game, more focus will be placed on its versus options, nixing out any hopes for a new story mode.The big question now is, "Will there be any support for online matches?" It would be a terrible decision to ship this sort of title without it, in our opinion. Roll the dice and hop past the post break for the scanned magazine pages and to see how this Monopoly-meets-Magic-the-Gathering title plays out.

  • Sega dealing Culdcept to DS

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    As champions of hybrid-genre games (e.g. Puzzle Quest), we've ached for a portable version of Culdcept ever since Penny Arcade's Tycho began touting Culdcept II for the PS2. That was over four years ago, but good things come to those who wait, as Sega announced today that it will publish Culdcept for the Nintendo DS in 2008. With Namco Bandai planning to bring Culdcept Saga for the Xbox 360 to North America early next year, there's actually a sliver of a chance that this DS entry to the niche series will also see localization.For those of you unfamiliar with Culdcept, and we assume that's pretty much all of you, it's a board game/collectible-card-game mix that would be best-described as Monopoly meets Magic: The Gathering. Players roll a die to travel around the game board, summoning creatures to defend their property. Other players who've landed on your property can pay a toll or battle your monster to win the square. Of course, there are spells and items which can also be brought to play. Slap some online functionality on this bad boy, and this will be a day one purchase for us. [Via Famitsu]